
Identifying Your Job!

A simple guide to help you make the right choice.

Take HR to the Next Level: Engage Your Employees to Drive Better Business Value

In the age of the empowered individual, organizations must rethink the workplace, with the employee at the center of the business. This means focusing on three employee centric dimensions: Talent, Culture and Work. By using workforce science, analytics, collaboration tools and technologies with flexible deployment models, you can develop a more engaged and innovative workforce.

Avoid Costly Fines: Ten Compliance Mandates You Can't Afford to Ignore

Managing employer compliance can be a tedious task, but it's a highly visible, important way that the human resources department minimizes risk for the business and keeps the workforce running smoothly.

Interview Errors

Don’t make these costly mistakes during the interview process.

Five Ways to Onboard More Effectively

Join us for a free webinar on 12/11 at 1EST that will show you how to use HR technology to onboard your employees more effectively and make them productive faster.

Improving employee performance with OKRS

Since the 1950s, business leaders have embraced a variety of management techniques designed to improve employee performance. In 1999, John Doerr introduced Objectives – Key Results (OKRs) to Google, a model he first learned about at Intel, and revolutionized goal setting. Today, OKRs are a de facto standard for aligning company and individual goals.

2016 State of Employee Engagement Report

Employee engagement continues to be a top concern for executives around the world. We conducted this study to understand why engagement is important to companies and what they are doing to improve the level of engagement of their workforce.

The Executive’s Guide to Goal Setting

Once you’ve outlined your vision and strategic priorities for the year, how do you align your employees towards achieving them? The traditional approach of cascading objectives hierarchically has been disappointing for most organizations.

PayScale’s 2016 Compensation Best Practices Guide

Pay transparency, variable pay, and retention are some of the key priorities for companies in 2016. We know, because we asked nearly 7,600 business leaders in the U.S., Canada, and beyond to tell us their plans and top concerns for the coming year.

Your Best Workers May Not Be Your Employees - A Global Study of Independent Workers

Independent workers are on the rise. What does this mean for HR professionals? The IBM Smarter Workforce Institute study of over 30,000 workers globally reveals independent workers are more engaged and more innovative than other employees. In fact they are much more like high potential employees than anyone else.

Engaging Employees to Drive the Business

As HR professionals, you all know how critical people are to business success. What is much more illusive for many of us is how to unlock the true potential of our people. Learn how IBM is cultivating an engaging culture that is aligned with business strategy, enabling their employees to increase their efficiency, productivity and agility - to do their best work.

Big data meets behavioral insight - Uncover what helps differentiate the best possible talent from the rest

How do you identify talented people? How do you uncover the traits that truly make a good sales person, a great teacher or an impactful manager? You start by understanding the traits of successful performers and potential top talen. Using big data to uncover those traits reveals something surprising. The sterotypes do not always predict performance.

The Employers Guide to Controlling Cancer

About 40% of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetime, and patients are getting younger. At the same time, the cost of treatment continues to rise, with employers spending 8.5% more on cancer care for each employee than they did last year. The best thing employers can do for their employees and business tomorrow is to invest in cancer detection and care today.

Game Plan Total Rewards Consulting: We Solve [period].

Game Plan Total Rewards provides strategic consulting and project management services for Total Rewards, HR Operations, and Mental Health programs. From 50 to 50,000+ employees, all industries, we are experienced in working with all sizes and types of organizations and can support globally given our experience in over 30 countries.

New Report from 3,500+ Employers Confirms Retention is a Top HR Priority in 2024

The first report from Gallagher’s 2024 US Workforce Trends Report Series, includes data from 3,500+ employers who participated in the 2024 US Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey. The report provides benchmarks for benefits, HR and people strategies to help organizations thrive. Organizations continue to rank retention as the top priority for HR, and second highest for operations.

The Intelligent Automation Guide For Human Resources

Achieving your HR goals for 2024 requires strategic focus and efficiency. But your team is overwhelmed and in the worst cases, burned out. Our eBook explores how process automation can streamline administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity, allowing your HR team to put their energy into higher value activities. Address key challenges such as: Limited resources Departmental silos Employee burnout Learn about the real benefits of advanced automation tools as well

Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

Using an HSA to Save for Health Care in Retirement

Saving for retirement is no easy task, and as an employer we know you want to help your employees get what they need out of their retirement benefits. With a health savings account (HSA), you can relieve the burden of health care costs for both you and your employees. With our new report, “Using an HSA to Save for Health Care in Retirement,” you can get insights on the costs of a modern retirement and dive into the details of the triple-tax benefits HSAs offer.