First, the Internet opened the door to you or your client’s company; then, Google for Jobs amplified it. But, what does that mean to the recruitment lifecycle and your role within it? Surely, you and your company are not under scrutiny? Surely, employee and interview reviews have little impact?
In this webinar, author of "The Robot-Proof Recruiter" and candidate engagement authority, Katrina Collier, will address:
- The impact of search engines and why transparency is causing an increase in candidate ghosting
- Why all the sourcing tools in the world don't guarantee that someone will answer!
- How to present yourself online so you look worthy of someone’s time and deserving of a response
- How to use tools to stand out from other recruiters so you can gain and hold candidate’s attention
And more!
We will have plenty of time for Q&A, so be ready to get involved and ask questions!
All live attendees will be entered into a drawing to win a free autographed copy of Katrina’s book, "The Robot-Proof Recruiter." One attendee will be selected to receive a copy of what Katrina calls “one of the most refreshing recruiting books you will read!”
December 12, 2019 9:30 AM PST, 12:30 PM EST, 5:30 PM GMT
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