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A Quick Guide on How to Calculate PTO Accrual and Vacation Time


This article explains the significance of paid time off, the different PTO models and provides insights into how to calculate PTO accrual. We’ll also dive into PTO accrual rates, ensuring you understand how employees accumulate time off. Using this guide, you’ll be able to design a PTO policy that keeps your employees happy and productive!

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How to Find the Best North Carolina Manufacturing Recruiters?

Recruiters Lineup

In the competitive landscape of North Carolina’s manufacturing sector, many employers struggle with sourcing the right talent. Since the roles to be filled require specialized talent, you need to know where to look to find the right candidates. This is where manufacturing recruitment agencies NC come in. With their expertise and vast experience in this field, you are guaranteed to hire top talent on your first try.


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A Comparative Review of the Top 10 Applicant Tracking System for Small Businesses

Vantage Circle

Introduction In the competitive world of small business, finding the right talent quickly and efficiently is crucial. An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) can be a game-changer, simplifying and enhancing recruitment. However, with many options available, choosing the right ATS can be overwhelming. This blog provides a comparative overview of the top 10 ATS software for small businesses, helping you make an informed decision.

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Hey! Have you heard of ‘hey hanging’?

HR Brew

Has a colleague ever messaged you “Hey,” without added context? Pretty anxiety-inducing, huh? Well, the act of sending a short greeting via text without any context has a name, “hey hanging,” and according to Jenni Bedell, HR consulting practice leader at One Digital, it can create anxiety for the recipient. Anxiety disorders affect over 300 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization.

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Ten Minute Onboarding: A High-Volume Hiring Formula

Speaker: Speakers

Transform hiring with Ten Minute Onboarding, the formula to hire fast, maximize efficiency, and ensure compliance. Learn how top employers: Reduce Candidate Dropoff: Improve retention and reduce hiring costs with engaging onboarding. Increase Operational Efficiency: Save time and labor with streamlined processes. Ensure Compliance: Minimize liability and avoid fines with accurate onboarding.

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Meet WorkTango’s New CEO Monique McDonough


Today, Tangoneers celebrate the appointment of former Chief Operating Officer Monique McDonough to her new role as Chief Executive Officer of WorkTango, while bidding a warm farewell to former CEO Patrick Manzo. New CEO Monique McDonough praised her predecessor, saying, “During his 2.5 years at WorkTango, Patrick successfully merged two companies and repositioned the new organization and its products to empower modern HR leaders and their teams.

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The 2024 Recognition Survey Report


When done right, employee recognition programs can increase job satisfaction and engagement, and positively impact employee retention. However, when organizations build programs without understanding the impact of those programs, the efforts may not pay off. That’s why we’ve asked the questions in our latest eBook – The 2024 Recognition Survey Report.

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How to Find the Best Louisiana Chemical Manufacturing Recruiters?

Recruiters Lineup

The chemical manufacturing industry is a popular business in Louisiana State, contributing highly to the economy. With increased competition in the region, employers are striving to get top talent that matches their role descriptions. Some of these challenges are sourcing candidates with the right expertise, providing a good hiring experience, and slow hiring processes.

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Tesla urges shareholders to restore Elon Musk’s $56 billion pay package

HR Brew

A letter to Tesla shareholders signed by Chairperson Robyn Denholm sought to drum up votes in favor of restoring a $56 billion pay package granted to CEO Elon Musk in 2018. That compensation package was recently rescinded by a Delaware judge, who argued Musk was overpaid. Now, Tesla is asking shareholders to restore it at the EV company’s annual meeting on June 13.

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Boosting Physician Retention through Effective Relocation Programs

UrbanBound HR

Keeping doctors happy and sticking around is a big deal for healthcare organizations everywhere. Losing them not only costs a lot of money, but also affects patient care quality. So, what's the secret to keeping the physicians on board? Relocation programs!

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Cultivating Engagement: Strategies and Actionable Plans for Success

Speaker: Alberta Johnson

Once upon a time, in the bustling world of corporate landscapes, HR professionals like you were the unsung heroes. Your mission: to unlock the secrets of employee engagement and transform workplaces into thriving communities. 🦸 🏢 Join us in our upcoming webinar to uncover why engagement is the magic ingredient for organizational success.

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Four Ways To Reduce The Impact Of Age On Your Career Or Job Search

Forbes Coaches Council

I argue that you can reduce your "metabolic career age" by being willing to change a few key factors that affect how others perceive you.

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Why HR leaders need to tie culture with company performance


Correlating culture and company performance is imperative for HR leaders to master, says Kevin Oakes, co-founder and CEO of HR research firm i4cp. A healthy culture, for example, can boost an organization’s financial performance sixfold, and HR leaders often shoulder the responsibility of creating a fit culture. - Advertisement - In addition to managing company culture and its effect on an organization’s performance, HR leaders face other significant challenges, says Oakes, a recent

Company 113
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Learn & Grow – Fuel Continuous Learning & Employee Engagement 

MP Wired For HR

Learn & Grow – Fuel Continuous Learning & Employee Engagement June 4th, 2024 Share on Facebook Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on LinkedIn Employees crave growth. They seek employers who invest in their development, both personally and professionally. That’s where Learn & Grow comes in. It’s a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) designed to be the engine that drives continuous career development and propels employee engagement within your orga

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As US adults feel more isolated, employers can step in to help

HR Brew

If you’re feeling lonely, you’re not alone. As much as one-half of US adults report feeling lonely, and it’s seeping into the workplace. Some experts believe that it’s an employer’s responsibility to encourage workers to connect. A persistent epidemic. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released a report last May describing the loneliness epidemic, comparing its severity to tobacco use.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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Need Amazing Employees? – Hire Those “Defined By Their Work” (Because commitment, work ethic, and mastery will produce amazing results)

Dr. John Sullivan

Google found that 90% of a team’s value comes from the top 10%. So, recruit this amazing 10%. A Think Piece – encouraging you to hire those who are defined by their work. What Is An “Amazing Employee” (AE) Reviewing my long talent management career, I quickly remember the handful of colleagues I could truly classify as “amazing.” Amazing is an accurate description of them because these team members not only completed an amazing amount of work on time.

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Building a Better Workplace: 15 Employee-Centric Culture Survey Questions

Vantage Circle

Your culture is your brand! This is because your people are the biggest asset of any organization. – Matt Phelan, Author of Freedom to be Happy Do you ever walk into an office and immediately feel the energy in the air? Some workplaces exude a distinct energy - maybe the lively banter, the creative decor, or simply visibly happy and smiling people.

Survey 104
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Forget ‘quiet vacationing.’ HR has a bigger problem


A spate of stories the past few weeks reported on a new buzzword: “hush-cationing” or “quiet vacationing.” That is to say that employees working remotely are effectively on vacation without reporting that they’re taking a vacation day. Many of these stories are based on a new Harris Poll showing, among other things, that 37% of millennial workers have done this.

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Using Data To Make The Case For Learning And Development

Forbes Coaches Council

Convincing the budget-makers to allot money toward upskilling can be challenging. But you can use data as a powerful tool to support your case.

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The Essential Performance Review Checklist

Performance reviews are a proactive way to engage with your employees, provide clear communication about expectations, and acknowledge them for their hard work. But getting the right framework and creating consistency across your organization can be tricky. We put together this checklist to help you evaluate your current performance review process and equip managers with the right tools to perform individual assessments.

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What does HR look like in sports? One HR pro shares some of her experience

HR Brew

Here’s this week’s edition of our Coworking series. Each week, we chat 1:1 with an HR Brew reader. Want to be featured in an upcoming edition? Click here to introduce yourself. Rachel Ackerman worked on payroll, comp, and benefits for the Mets (yes, the New York City baseball team) for seven years toward the beginning of her career. Then, after stints in the healthcare and tech field, she found her way back to sports (media) and was hired at Barstool Sports as its director of people operations.

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What does out-of-network provider mean?


As medical costs continue to rise across the U.S., more healthcare consumers are seeking ways to save. And while you may not be able to control many factors that impact your healthcare costs, you can understand whether the physician you choose is “in-network” or “out-of-network”. In this article, we’ll explain what out-of-network providers are, including how they compare to in-network providers, and show you how a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) from your employer can help you cover your

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7 Ways that Psychometric and Personality Assessments Enhance Skills Development

Emergenetics International

As businesses weave artificial intelligence (AI) into daily work, Learning & Development (L&D) departments are taking the lead in accelerating reskilling and upskilling initiatives to empower employees to adapt. To enhance this important work, psychometric and personality assessments can play a valuable supporting role. Mercer’s 2024 Global Talent Trends Report pointed to the importance of using psychometric testing to drive future productivity by harnessing the information gained in w

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How an ESPN HR leader is innovating to improve employee retention


Talent retention can be as competitive as sports, with employers battling to hold onto employees while keeping rivals away. In recent years, this has been exacerbated by the Great Resignation , followed by months of quiet quitting in some industries. Now, only half of employees feel extremely or very satisfied with their jobs , according to a report by Pew Research Center, leaving talent management professionals scrambling to retain workers. - Advertisement - But Dayana Falcon, ESPN’s tale

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Hiring for Culture Fit: Align Your Values, Roles and Candidates

Speaker: Dr. Craig Ellis, Head of I-O Psychology, HighMatch

Is the term “culture” just a buzzword tossed around at your organization, or have you delved into the core values and behaviors that truly define a good fit for your company? In this webinar, Dr. Craig Ellis, an I-O Psychologist, will share a proven framework to identify the essential traits that contribute to a seamless fit within your unique culture, not just in your current successful employees but also in prospective candidates.

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17 Pieces Of Advice Coaches Would Give Their Younger Selves

Forbes Coaches Council

While they can't go back in time to share their acquired knowledge and counsel with their younger selves, experienced coaches can advise newcomers to the profession.

Coaching 101
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HR pros should help employees see their job as pitstop on a career journey

HR Brew

Career moves aren’t always clear—especially when coupled with a tumultuous economy and fluctuating labor market. This is where executive coach and author Sharon Hull comes in. In her recently published book, Professional Careers by Design: A Handbook For the Bespoke Life , Hull uses insights from her career and experiences coaching professionals to help readers set intentions as they navigate their own careers.

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Employee lifecycle support: From day one to retirement

WEX Inc.

Supporting employees throughout their lifecycle is essential for improving engagement, loyalty, and long-term satisfaction in the workplace. By optimizing employee benefits and creating a supportive environment, employers can enhance the employee experience at every stage of their journey, from onboarding to retirement. This comprehensive guide will help you understand and implement effective employee lifecycle support.

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EXCLUSIVE: Humanly Acquires Teamable – Adding AI-driven CRM to Its Middle Market Conversational Recruiting Platform


Humanly CEO Prem Kumar joined WorkTech Founder George LaRocque to discuss its acquisition of Teamable (formerly known as Top Funnel), an AI-driven recruitment CRM. The acquisition aligns with Humanly’s vision […] The post EXCLUSIVE: Humanly Acquires Teamable – Adding AI-driven CRM to Its Middle Market Conversational Recruiting Platform first appeared on WorkTech.

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Trending Payroll Statistics

Staying up-to-date on the latest decisions and payroll statistics ensures businesses can remain compliant and efficient. B2B Reviews research compiled the latest data to help businesses stay on top of payroll in 2024 and prepare for the future.