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Attack of the Prank Email


'As if we didn''t have enough to worry about with employees sending in company internal memos for publication on the Internet and completing employee satisfaction surveys that are publicly available online now we have a new threat to watch out for - the prank email.

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Welcome Ray


'Good news on the blog front. To increase the diversity of thought I have asked Ray Halagera, President and COO of Career Systems International, to join Nobscot''s WebLog as executive contributing editor. Ray is a new collaborator and friend and has a wealth of knowledge that he picks up from his insatiable thirst for news and information. He also is highly educated and experienced.


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Little Book of Bollocks


'Looks like there is someone else out there who doesn''t like buzzwords. Britain''s culture secretary Tessa Jowell admits to keeping a "little book of bollocks" where she lists gobbledegook spouted by her and her colleagues.

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Can Employees be Too Engaged?


'You can never have employees that are too loyal or a company culture that is too motivational. At least that is what I always thought until I read professor Herve Laroche''s article in the MIT Review titled The Power of Moderation. I''m a believer in moderation in most things so I was intrigued by this article.

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New Report from 3,500+ Employers Confirms Retention is a Top HR Priority in 2024

The first report from Gallagher’s 2024 US Workforce Trends Report Series, includes data from 3,500+ employers who participated in the 2024 US Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey. The report provides benchmarks for benefits, HR and people strategies to help organizations thrive. Organizations continue to rank retention as the top priority for HR, and second highest for operations.

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Stay Interviews and Exit Interviews


'In preparation for a meeting today I was thinking about exit interviews in comparison with stay interviews. As I understand it, stay interviews are about reaching out and touching (oops, bad word - let''s make that listening to) each employee and showing that you care about their individual success. This is a very worthwhile endeavor and an important part of your employee retention strategy.

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Good News for Retention of NextGen Employees


'A surprising new finding from the Institute for the Future (IFTF) about today''s youth. Teens and young adults between the ages of 14 - 21 said they would prefer to advance within one company rather than grow by switching jobs. If true this is great news for companies. With any luck this could signal the end of the "knowledge nomads" and good riddance to them.

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Tips for Hiring Nerds


'When I was in junior high school and making fun of the "nerds", my Dad said something that turned out to be a prophetic statement. He said, "Beth, it''s the nerds of today that are going to be the leaders of tomorrow." I promptly ignored him for not understanding how the current nerds were just plain uncool. That''s why I love when I see the nerd word revived.

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The Aftermath of Political Debates in the Office


'A wise person once said that political and religious debates in the workplace don''t mix well. This year''s presidential election stirred up much emotion and ignited fierce debates in offices and workplaces nationwide. Like political advertising these debates (between colleagues, supervisors and subordinates) often took a nasty turn.

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Rethinking Top Talent


'My blog friend Dutch Driver has alerted me to an interesting "manifesto" by Malcolm Gladwell, the author of The Tipping Point. This manifesto (and don''t ask me what a "manifesto" is versus an article) is called, The Talent Myth - Are Smart People Overrated. It''s an outstanding look at the results of recruiting the top pedigreed candidates and giving them free reign once they are hired.

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The Intelligent Automation Guide For Human Resources

Achieving your HR goals for 2024 requires strategic focus and efficiency. But your team is overwhelmed and in the worst cases, burned out. Our eBook explores how process automation can streamline administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity, allowing your HR team to put their energy into higher value activities. Address key challenges such as: Limited resources Departmental silos Employee burnout Learn about the real benefits of advanced automation tools as well

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The Latest HR Buzzword - Presenteeism


'I love words but I hate buzzwords. Buzzwords put a new spin on an old issue but don''t generally add any significant value except to help consultants and vendors sell more services. Now that I am in the vendor seat, I should value buzzwords but I just can''t do it. The most recent buzzword that annoys me is "Presenteeism". Do we really need a 12 letter word for people who come to work sick?

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"Stop Hounding Me" and other Feedback Phrases


'I received a preview issue (snail mail hard copy) of "Team Management Briefings" from briefings.com. This is one of those newsletters that provides little blurbs of information excerpted or adapted from other publications. It had some interesting tidbits of info related to management, goal setting, motivation and teamwork. One item that caught my eye was related to feedback.

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Unusual Search Phrases


'From time to time I like to take a look at the web analytics of who is visiting Nobscot''s website and what brought them to the site. I use a fairly simple inexpensive program called Weblog Expert. With this program I can see the search phrases that people have entered into their search engine for which they ended up finding Nobscot Corporation.

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A Role Model CEO


'I''m happy to see Meg Whitman, CEO of Ebay, on top of Fortune Magazine''s list of Most Powerful Businesswomen. She would have been my choice for the last several years. In fact, I don''t know why she is not tops on all the business lists not just the ones limited to women. Ebay''s performance has been stellar since Whitman took the reigns growing it into a profitable powerhouse.

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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You think YOU'VE got Employee Retention Worries


'What about Google? If it''s true that 60% of employees are now millionaires as Bill Coleman of Salary.com estimates, how might that affect employee retention? Do people work strictly for money? Can google create such an interesting, challenging, enjoyable workplace that employees will stay even if they don''t need the money? Beth C.

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Two New Technologies to Shy Away From


'Two new technologies are coming HR''s way that have me concerned. The first is cell phone technology that uses satellite GPS technology to track the location of the phone and consequently the phone holder. The second is a polygraph type program that measures the sound of the voice to determine a speaker''s emotional state.

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No Thanks to Knowledge Nomads


'An article called, High Turnover, Should you Care?, was recently referenced in a Yahoo Group for Training Professionals. The article talks about "knowledge nomads" who although they switch jobs frequently are committed to their organizations for the time period that they are there. The article also suggests reframing the issue of turnover and retention.

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Why People Follow the Leader


'For the past few years I have been noticing that it''s getting harder and harder for leaders to motivate their staff. Back in my day, (don''t you hate when people say, "back in my day.?"), most of us were easily swept into a cause, corporate or otherwise, by a charismatic leader. I''ve been struggling with why the change and I think at last I might have found the answer.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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Who Is Outsourcing Jobs Overseas?


'Curious about which companies in your area have outsourced jobs overseas? Working America, a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO has put together a searchable database. If you are an HR exec, it might be a good idea to see if your company is listed and if the information is accurate. They also have a Paywatch section for each company that shows the compensation of the top executives.

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The Nouse - An Unusual Accommodation of the Future


'What''s a Nouse? It''s a system that replaces your computer mouse with movements of your nose. It''s completely hands free. You move the cursor on your screen by moving your nose. Any guesses on how you left click and right click with the nouse? Answer: Blink your left eye twice for left click and your right eye twice for right click.

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Love 'Em or Lose "Em


'If you haven''t already read Love ''Em Or Lose ''Em: Getting Good People To Stay, go to your library or bookstore today. I had a chance to speak with one of the co-authors, Sharon Jordan-Evans. Sharon and I found that we have a lot of common beliefs and philosophies when it comes to creating the kind of work environment that fosters employee retention.

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When Being Less Than Excellent Is More Excellent


'At the end of the last post I included a link to an article titled A Balanced Approach to Human Resources. This article stresses the need for HR professionals to become excellent risk takers. This was reinforced for me this evening when I read an excerpt from a speech given by John D. Zeglis, the Chairman of AT&T Wireless.

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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Thinking Strategically


'There''s been a lot of talk about Strategic HR over the last several years. There has also been a lot of confusion. Let''s see if we can clear things up a little. Strategic HR doesn''t mean strategic planning. Strategic planning is important, but that''s not what we are talking about when we say HR needs to act more strategically.

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Addicting, Intriguing and a Little Bit Scary


'I was doing some research on the use of social networking technology in Human Resources when I came across this shocker: "Compared to sites that require users to map their own social networks, Weddle says, Eliyon Technologies'' site is much more robust--they''ve used their spider to compile dossiers on over 19 million Americans.

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Business Lessons from The Apprentice


'The Apprentice season has just begun and the talk around the water coolers has already started. Who is the most outrageous? Who has the best chance of winning? Who is the best looking? It''s the good, the bad and the ugly. I don''t want to talk about that though. I''m more interested in some of the organizational behavior and business issues. Two things struck me.

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Eleven Tips For Getting More Efficiency Out Of Women Employees - Circa 1943


'I was reminded of this "oldie but goodie" today from a discussion on the SHRM Bulletin Board. The following is an actual article that was published in 1943 in the Mass Transportation Magazine. You can check out the details including scanned images of the actual article here. ELEVEN TIPS ON GETTING MORE EFFICIENCY OUT OF WOMEN EMPLOYEES. From: L.H.

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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Are We Condoning Discrimination Through Outsourcing?


'I hate to even mention outsourcing since it''s been discussed and debated ad nauseum. However I did come across an aspect of outsourcing that I haven''t heard before that warrants attention. This comes from the unlikely place of a letter to the editor in CFO magazine.

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Joel on HR


'Who thought that Human Resources practitioners could learn a thing or two about HR from a software developer? Joel Spolsky, who writes a popular blog for engineers called Joel on Software has a few things to say to which we should listen up. Two things caught my interest. 1) Joel does a good job of reminding us about reducing the irritations.

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HR Metrics Guru


'In the August issue of HR Executive Magazine, Jac Fitz-enz, HR metrics guru was asked what is the most underused or underappreciated HR metric. His answer: Turnover. As he explains it: "Most people know their turnover rate, but not how it is affecting them. It doesn''t make much difference how many people are leaving, per se.

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