Thu.Jan 03, 2019

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Supporting Others in HR


Welcome to 2019! With the whole new year ahead of us, it’s a great time to take a look at ourselves, and how we are going to approach this year. If you, like me, have been in HR for quite some time, you may have more to give than you think. Nearly three years ago, I had the opportunity to co-present at a local HR meeting, my first public speaking engagement.

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4 Challenges of a Dispersed Workforce and How to Overcome Them


Advancements in technology have made it possible for the workplace to evolve and for companies to employ a workforce based in multiple locations, including their home. Telecommuting and flexible work arrangements, in particular, are on the rise. According to a forecast by IDC , mobile workers will account for nearly three-quarters (72.3 percent) of the total U.S. workforce by 2020.


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How Quick Base Helps New Orleans 9-1-1 Save Lives


New Orleans is a busy and densely populated area that can swell to over a million people during big events like Mardi Gras and the Essence Music Festival. It has even hosted 10 Super Bowls over the years. Keeping the public safe is a 24×7 job with a lot of responsibility, and it begins long before a call comes in. In May of 2016, the city of New Orleans not only consolidated technology, training, and operations for its 9-1-1 call center but also brought Police, Fire, and EMS dispatch under

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M&A Friday! This Week’s HR Deals and Trending #HotInHR News


Our weekly recap of fundings, mergers & acquisition, partnership and other interesting news from the human resource, recruitment and employee benefits marketplace. FUNDINGS. On-demand Staffing Firm Qwick Raises $1.3M in Funding. PEC Safety Receives Majority Investment from Thoma Bravo. M&A. DISYS Acquires Princeton Information, Furthering Dedication to Financial Services Industry.

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Ten Minute Onboarding: A High-Volume Hiring Formula

Speaker: Speakers

Transform hiring with Ten Minute Onboarding, the formula to hire fast, maximize efficiency, and ensure compliance. Learn how top employers: Reduce Candidate Dropoff: Improve retention and reduce hiring costs with engaging onboarding. Increase Operational Efficiency: Save time and labor with streamlined processes. Ensure Compliance: Minimize liability and avoid fines with accurate onboarding.

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Does Your Company Have a Healthy Employee Retention Rate?


How much money are you losing due to attrition? Turnover is expensive for any employer. But in today’s tight labor market, the cost of losing your best employees is even higher. You have to invest in hiring and training a replacement. But you also lose the value that those former employees were producing for your company. Every organization that employs people will have at least some turnover.

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Young Workers Demand Emphasis on Mental Health in the Workplace


Are you ready for a new generation of workers to hit the scene? Well, ready or not, Generation Z is here, and their priorities could be changing American workplaces for the better. Beyond physical wellness programs, younger workers are demanding a bigger emphasis on mental health in the workplace. Who Is Gen Z? Definitions for Gen Z vary. Some studies define this younger generation as people born as early as 1990, or as late as 2005.

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Top 10 Phone Interview Questions to Ask Job Candidates


Great phone interview questions will help you uncover the best candidates in less than 15 minutes. Discover which 10 phone interview questions you should be asking your job candidates to find out everything you need to make an informed decision and select the top candidates. Read More.

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Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses: Try These 4 Campaign Ideas


By this point, we’re all somewhat familiar with social media and the impact it can have for brands. No longer is social just a platform for tweens and millenials to follow their friends, but now an actual way to reach and connect with customers and prospects. Social media is a great way to have fun and represent the culture and human aspect of your brand.

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Dell and the Strategic Power of Global Mobility Management


It’s more important than ever that companies are able to move people around the world efficiently to match skills to business needs and to build dynamic leadership pipelines — but global workforce mobility represents a huge logistical challenge for even the largest and most agile companies. In a recent discussion with Dell, I got a glimpse into how the tech giant is harnessing technology to solve a range of key business challenges, including talent development. […].

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The Complete People Management Toolkit

From welcoming new team members to tough termination decisions, each employment lifecycle phase requires a balance of knowledge, empathy & legal diligence.

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Why Candidate Experience is More Important Now Than Ever


When it came to hiring, the employer used to have the upper hand. However, with unemployment at a record low, there are now more job openings than candidates to fill them. Employers feel pressure to offer the most enticing combination of compensation, benefits, and company culture to attract (and retain) top talent. As a result, the candidate experience is more important than ever.

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Managing employees: 10 readers’ choice articles


It’s a new year, and Insperity wants to honor its devoted readership by sharing 10 articles on employee management that business leaders have consistently found most helpful. Not surprisingly, these articles focus on taking care of your employees. People are the backbone of your organization. You can have a clever business strategy, a differentiated product and spiffy, new technology, but without a dedicated team, your dreams will remain dreams.

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Three Branding Shifts That Will Naturally Lead To More Customers

Forbes Coaches Council

If you focus your marketing more on building trust and connection with your audience and less about just your product, you will actually make more sales.

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Supporting Others in HR

The SHRM Blog

Welcome to 2019! With the whole new year ahead of us, it’s a great time to take a look at ourselves, and how we are going to approach this year. If you, like me, have been in HR for quite some time, you may have more to give than you think. Nearly three years ago, I had the opportunity to co-present at a local HR meeting, my first public speaking engagement.

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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14 Ways To Establish Yourself As A New Leader In Business

Forbes Coaches Council

When you're new at a business, it can be difficult to step into a leadership role. Members of Forbes Coaches Council offer tips for connecting with your new colleagues and establishing yourself as a leader.

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The Best Guide for Conducting Group Interviews


Welcome to the best guide for conducting group interviews ! In this guide, you will discover the best practice tips for conducting a winning group job interview. Group interviews are a fast and affordable way to test multiple candidates and select the ones with the best communication, stress management and teamwork skills. Read More.

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5 Employment Trends You Can Expect to See in 2019

Evil HR Lady

With each new year comes new professional trends. So, what should you expect in employment trends for 2019? While much of what you’ll see in the coming year will depend on your industry, your location and your individual business needs, there are some overarching trends that you should keep your eye on. Here are five of them. 1. Low Unemployment. Unemployment has been steadily falling since 2010 , and at the end of 2018, the national rate was below 4 percent.

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Master grower job description


Use this marijuana master grower job description template to find people who can help your marijuana production flourish. Feel free to modify this template based on your company’s needs; add information on your location, the size of your facilities and benefits you offer. Keep in mind that cannabis legislation may vary from state to state or country to country.

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The Essential Performance Review Checklist

Performance reviews are a proactive way to engage with your employees, provide clear communication about expectations, and acknowledge them for their hard work. But getting the right framework and creating consistency across your organization can be tricky. We put together this checklist to help you evaluate your current performance review process and equip managers with the right tools to perform individual assessments.

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10 Hot Leadership Topics for 2019


Top HR and leadership influencers point to the emerging trends that will shape the future of work in 2019—and beyond.

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DOL gets serious about break time for nursing mothers law

Business Management Daily

Make lactation time and space a priority for 2019. The post DOL gets serious about break time for nursing mothers law appeared first on Business Management Daily.

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the government shutdown: an open thread for people being furloughed

Ask a Manager

With the government shutdown nearing two weeks and hundreds of thousands of government employees and contractors furloughed — and currently not getting paid — here’s an open thread for people who are affected. People impacted by the last shutdown, what advice do you have for people affected by this one? And people affected by this one, ask and share away.

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How to be creative? The Main Problem Is to Start

Take It Personel-ly

Have you ever experienced a creative block? Have you ever felt stuck looking for an original solution for work problem? Do you wish to be more creative? If so, you’re not alone. These are common issues that we all deal with on a daily basis. Fortunately, creativity isn’t a special gift that only rare people […].

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Hiring for Culture Fit: Align Your Values, Roles and Candidates

Speaker: Dr. Craig Ellis, Head of I-O Psychology, HighMatch

Is the term “culture” just a buzzword tossed around at your organization, or have you delved into the core values and behaviors that truly define a good fit for your company? In this webinar, Dr. Craig Ellis, an I-O Psychologist, will share a proven framework to identify the essential traits that contribute to a seamless fit within your unique culture, not just in your current successful employees but also in prospective candidates.

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Enough Already with the Strategy Launches – It’s Time for Transformative Gatherings


I recently attended an empowering evening with thought leaders in Ann Arbor called Hello Sunshine x Together Live. It featured an array of speakers telling stories. Couple that with the fact that I work at a company focused on helping leaders tell better stories to their people, and it adds another layer of interest. One of the speakers, Priya Parker , kicked off the evening talking about the importance of gatherings and people coming together.

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9 Actionable HR New Year Resolutions For 2019


The new year is already here and it is a popular time for everyone to set resolutions for the year. New year is an opportunity for both individuals and businesses to evaluate their last year and come up […].

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CSR Is More Than Philanthropy


For many people, when they think about Corporate Social Responsibility, they imagine cutting cheques to charities and volunteering time for various causes in the community. These are certainly two important and impactful aspects of CSR, but for many companies their Corporate Social Responsibility programs take on a much broader scope. At Porpoise we think of CSR as a company’s responsibility not only to communities and the environment, but to their employees as well.

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Don't Be The Office Bully: Leadership Through Listening

Forbes Coaches Council

As a leader, do you want to be the office bully or the courageous, listening leader? The choice is obvious — your team and your outcomes will be better for it.

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Trending Payroll Statistics

Staying up-to-date on the latest decisions and payroll statistics ensures businesses can remain compliant and efficient. B2B Reviews research compiled the latest data to help businesses stay on top of payroll in 2024 and prepare for the future.