Sat.Jun 22, 2019 - Fri.Jun 28, 2019

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External Workers Are Valuable but Worrisome, HR Says

SHRM Resources

Nearly all HR professionals surveyed by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) agreed that external, independent workers—whether contract, freelance or gig-based—add value to their organizations, but most still have concerns about the legal implications of hiring and managing these workers.

Survey 102
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5 Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

HR Management

Today’s workforce is evolving at an unbelievable pace. While yesterday’s professionals may have been tied to the standard eight-hour workday, modern workers are now opting for more flexible work arrangements. This has paved the way for what we now know as the gig economy, which Small Biz Trends states makes up more than a fourth of U.S. workers.


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my boss makes me wear her clothes, eat her food, and say I’m grateful for my job

Ask a Manager

A reader writes: I was hired about six months ago at a small business. I’m in my mid-20s and this my first professional job after completing grad school. It’s just me, the owner/director, and a part-time assistant. Because we’re such a small office, I spend a lot of time one-on-one with my boss. Sometimes she’s a lovely person, other times she’s quite difficult to handle.

Payroll 138
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4 Strategies for a Better Health Benefits Experience


Your benefits are missing the target if employees don’t engage with them. Meghan M. Biro offers four strategies for making sure your benefits programs succeed in engaging employees. The post 4 Strategies for a Better Health Benefits Experience appeared first on TalentCulture.

Strategy 111
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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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SHRM CEO Calls for More-Inclusive Workplaces

SHRM Resources

Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP, president and chief executive officer of the Society for Human Resource Management, on June 24 challenged HR professionals to create more-inclusive workplaces, specifically calling on them to hire people with disabilities, people with criminal histories, veterans and people over age 50.

Resources 111

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update: coworker complains about my tattoos

Ask a Manager

Remember the letter-writer whose coworker kept complaining about her tattoos ? Here’s the update. So, the situation with Carol has been resolved. I actually spoke to her the same day you posted my letter; I ran into her in the break room and she started in again. I interrupted her and said, “That’s enough. I have asked you politely and now I’m telling you – stop commenting on my tattoos.

Handbook 114
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12 Ways To Know If You're Truly Ready To Move Up To Management

Forbes Coaches Council

Not sure if you're ready for that big promotion? Check out this list from the career experts of Forbes Coaches Council to see if management is really the right path for you.

Coaching 108
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100 Useful Performance Review Phrases


Performance reviews are key to offering helpful feedback to a manager or employee. But not knowing what to say or write can make the process downright painful, especially on a deadline. When feedback is such a key part of boosting employee engagement , it's important to get it right.

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Video Interview Matchmaking: How to Find Employees You Love


As a recruiter, you’re in the matchmaking business, matching workers with jobs and employers with employees. Your job is pairing people who can work well together. You’re a professional matchmaker, Workology is the art and science of work, HR and recruitment. Join the resource revolution.

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Creating a Company Culture of Care: Integrating Mental Health, Wellbeing, and DEI in Benefits

Speaker: Sean Raible

Picture a workplace where physiological safety is not just an aim but a reality, driven by thoughtful employee benefits that prioritize mental health, wellbeing, and DEI. 🤔 ✨ Achieving this vision requires more than just occasional training sessions and employee assistance programs. Moving beyond the basics, this vision calls for a holistic approach that integrates these elements into your company culture as well as your HR and benefits strategy.

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3 Ways HR Can Help Close the Skills Gap

SHRM Resources

HR professionals need to share their thoughts with government leaders to help shape policies that elevate HR and improve workplaces. One of the critical issue on HR’s radar is how to close the skills gap.

Policies 104
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What great wellness programs do differently: 3 proven tactics

HR Morning

All wellness programs are not created equal. One-off wellness initiatives aren’t enough to achieve the ultimate goal, which is really two-fold: get employees healthier and keep healthcare costs down. Firms need to be smarter and invest in a well-designed health strategy in order to see a return, say researchers. 3-pronged approach. Effective wellness programs have good ROI of $1.50 to $3.00 per wellness dollar spent over a two to nine year time-frame, according to a recent U.S.

Wellness 102
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Why Flexible Office Solutions Are Being Adopted By More Businesses

Take It Personel-ly

Trends and information are moving faster than ever before in the contemporary business world. To keep your head above water or, better yet, to succeed in this environment, it is necessary to keep your processes flexible and economical. This applies to both your workforce and your physical infrastructure and whether your company is based in […].

Trends 102
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5 Distinguishing Features of High Performing Teams


Putting together a high-performing team isn’t just about tossing together a bunch of fantastic individual contributors and then hoping for the best. You might as well throw together a few sticks of dynamite, pour oil on it, and […].

Wellness 102
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Performance Review Calibrations Made Easy

Every company aspires to be the best, and performance reviews are the cornerstone of that journey. However, discrepancies in how managers rate their teams can lead to unfairness.

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Flexible working: employers must ease the strain for working parents or lose the talent

HR Zone

Retention. Parenting: a bad career move?

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How to hire a data scientist

Hacker Earth

Data science is one of the most sought after jobs of the 21st century. But how do you hire a data scientist who fits the bill? According to , in a competitive field like data science, strong candidates often receive 3 or more offers, so success rates of hiring are commonly below 50%. The key is to have prospective candidates go through the recruiting process quickly, helping close data science positions faster.

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Viewpoint: Stop Lying to Job Candidates About the Role

SHRM Resources

Too many hiring managers avoid telling candidates the truth about a job. Their logic is that if applicants find out how hard they will work or how boring the core of the open jobs are, they will walk away. This is a mistake. To hire effectively, you have to be honest about what working at your firm is like and what it takes to be successful.

Hiring 99
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15 great HR lessons from America’s largest human resources conference

Business Management Daily

Didn't make it to Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) annual conference in Las Vegas? Our editors were there to scoop up all the HR wisdom for you. The post 15 great HR lessons from America’s largest human resources conference appeared first on Business Management Daily.

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Balancing Cost and Care: 3 Key Considerations for Cost Optimization in 2024

Discover essential strategies for employers to balance cost optimization with care. The top priorities for employers in 2024 are retaining talent, growing revenue and sales, and attracting talent. To achieve these goals, employers are turning towards comprehensive total rewards strategies informed by data-driven insights. Hear from industry experts on cost optimization strategies and how to leverage these approaches for a healthier workforce.

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A 5-step fix for the ‘summertime blues’

HR Morning

Feeling a bit more burned out at work on these hot summer days? Get in line. A Gallup study of nearly 7,500 full-time employees done last summer found that 23% reported feeling job burnout very often or always, while another 44% reported feeling job burnout sometimes. That means about two-thirds of full-time workers experience job burnout. Those are meaningful numbers, made even more so when you consider exactly what the professionals mean by the term “burnout.”.

Report 96
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Do I Need Proof Before Beginning an Employee Investigation?

Evil HR Lady

An employee recently came forward with an accusation that two other employees were selling and buying drugs in the company parking lot. My boss says we can only investigate if the complaining employee has proof of the problem. This is his policy for all employee complaints, even harassment. He says that if the complaining employee doesn’t provide proof, we can be accused of unfair targeting.

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5 Tips to Keep Your Online Startup Legal

Take It Personel-ly

Do you want to be your own boss? Have you been thinking of starting your own online business? If yes, you are not alone. Over 543,000 new businesses get started each month in the U.S., according to Forbes. Still, being your own boss demands more than hatching an idea, quitting your tedious job, and sitting […].

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Four ways to ensure the wellbeing of women at work

HR Zone

People. Four ways to ensure the wellbeing of women at work.

ATS 140
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Discover the 4 Big Recruitment Challenges for 2024

It’s no secret that today’s hiring market is tough! The constant changes can make it seem impossible for HR leaders, hiring teams, and hiring managers to remain flexible and agile. However, there’s a silver lining amongst all the hiring chaos, as these changes also bring great opportunities and fresh ways for HR leaders to gain that competitive edge in the race for top talent.

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The State of Employee Engagement in 2019: Establishing a Baseline


What’s the state of employee engagement in 2019? Well, you’re about to find out. You may have noticed that we try our best to include the most up-to-date and legitimate statistics in our blog posts. So when we got the opportunity to partner with on a survey of our own, you know that we jumped at the chance! We pushed the survey, called The State of Employee Engagement, live in the first quarter of 2019.

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3 ways AI will help you break through in the Experience Economy

Qualtrics HR

The Experience Economy is changing the way businesses operate across the globe. Organizations are judged by the experiences they deliver across the 4 core pillars of business – customer, product, employee, and brand. And while 80% of CEOs believe their business delivers a superior experience, only 8% of their customers agree. At Qualtrics, we call this the experience gap.

Survey 93
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5 Major Trends from SHRM 2019

Criteria Corp

Another SHRM conference has come and gone. With over a thousand exhibitors, hundreds of events, and keynote speakers ranging from Brené Brown to Martha Stewart, the SHRM conference can cause a bit of sensory overload, but we’ve distilled our experience at the conference down to a few core themes.

Trends 92
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ADP Women in STEM Profile: Monique Garlington


Monique's father and grandfather were amazing men who could design and build almost anything. Her dad used his technical skills to start and run a.

ADP 102
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Correct & Prevent I-9 Errors: Your 2024 Audit Toolkit

Simplify your I-9 compliance process and minimize the risk of costly fines with WorkBright’s comprehensive audit toolkit. Created in collaboration with employment law experts, this essential two-part guide will help you conduct a thorough internal audit in 2024. The first section outlines a three-step process for ensuring error-free and compliant I-9s, followed by two printable checklists to streamline your audit process.