March, 2011

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Project Social: Managing HR Talent

Working Girl

'During a recent chat my project social partner Dave Ryan and I agreed that HR certification doesn’t automatically confer expertise in all the myriad facets of HR and a new post topic was born! Be sure to check out Dave’s latest post about the many hats HR must wear. HR is like housework: There are things you have to do every day, like dishes and picking up toys.

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Oasis Outsourcing, A Top PEO Company, Enhances Its Offerings With ReviewSNAP Performance Management System


'ReviewSNAP™, an acclaimed Web-based performance management system, announced today that it has entered into a partnership with Oasis Outsourcing, one of the largest Professional Employer Organizations (PEO) in the United States. Oasis Outsourcing has chosen ReviewSNAP as its exclusive performance management system to offer to its clients. Oasis provides outsourced human resources, employee benefits, payroll administration and risk management services to its more than 3,000 clients nationwide.


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New Internet Bubble hits Talent Management Market

Josh Bersin

Remember the bubble of 1995-2000? I do, and it’s back again. But this time it has a new face, it talks about SaaS, highly connected social applications, mobile apps, and talent. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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8 Google Rules: Improving Management and Employee Engagement

David Zinger

Google Oxygen inspires 8 data driven management practices in a quest to build a better boss. The NY Times printed a long article on Google’s OXYGEN project to look at the top data driven principles of management within Google. Managers play a key role in employee engagement and these practices can go along way to also instilling engagement in any organization.

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How to Leverage AI in EX & HR Service Delivery

Speaker: Miriam Connaughton and Donald Knight

Learn how leading companies leverage AI to transform the employee experience, at scale. We'll debunk myths and showcase practical tools to help you confidently integrate AI into your EX strategy. Learn to personalize experiences, automate tasks, and streamline processes for a holistic approach. Leave energized and ready to champion AI as the key to a thriving workforce.

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Building Expertise through Continuous Training

Bersin with Deloitte

'With slightly more L&D resources this year, organizations are increasing their training offerings. This is generally good news for employees and employers, as effective development programs enable employees to enhance their skills and help their organizations meet their goals. The key word here is effective training programs. We all know that whether learners receive 4 hours of training or 40 doesn’t make a bit of difference if they aren't learning the skills and applying it to th

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Modern Workforce: Reflections of a Single Working Dad

Working Girl

'Guest Post by Jim Webber While I was at the local coffee shop this week, I noticed a young father typing away on his computer as his baby napped in his lap. The thing that caught my attention was that no one else paid any attention. He was just another guy doing some work while enjoying his latte. It made me happy. It was very different twenty years ago when my two daughters were toddlers and I was a newly single dad.

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Leadership Lessons from Dr. Seuss


'As I am currently preparing for an upcoming Leadership Development Program, a little light bulb went off in my head: there is also a lot to learn from Dr. Seuss on leadership!

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SuccessFactors Acquires Jambok – Is this Corporate Learning 3.0?

Josh Bersin

This week SuccessFactors announced the acquisition of Jambok, a small platform company with an innovative and powerful solution for social learning and knowledge sharing. Jambok was the brainchild. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Employee Engagement Canadian Style: I am not Responsible

David Zinger

My engagement is my responsibility, don’t take that from me. Psychometrics in Canada recently completed a survey of 368 Canadian HR professionals. These professionals were asked : Who is primarily responsible for engagement? 50% said managers. 34.1% said senior leaders. 15.9 said employees. It boggles my mind that only 16% of HR managers see employees as having primary responsibility for engagement?

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[Free Templates] Plant the Seed for Successful Onboarding!

Our Free Welcome Email Templates (designed for both in-office or virtual employees) are ready for you to customize and use to plant the seeds of success for new team members.

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Increase in Learning Tech Spending

Bersin with Deloitte

'2010 was a turnaround year for many U.S training organizations. After double-digit spending cuts in each of the prior two years, training budgets began to stabilize - and even increase within many organizations. Overall, companies spent 2% more on training in 2010 than in 2009. With budgets loosening up, many L&D organizations initiated learning infrastructure projects in 2010.

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Is Anybody Even Reading Cover Letters?

Evil HR Lady

Dear Evil HR Lady, Now that employers aren’t reading resumes - instead just putting them through scanners to find keyword matches - do they still read cover letters? I’ve got no problem crafting specific cover letters for the various jobs I’m applying to. That said, my job search is time-consuming enough without spending time and energy on a cover letter no one is going to read.

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Project Social: The Dark Side of HR

Working Girl

'This tongue-in-cheek video (below) depicts HR as a covert informer who invites confidences from employees then rats them out behind their backs. My project social partner Dave Ryan and I were chuckling about this recently but he admitted that there is a grain of truth. Perhaps more than a grain, as you can read about in his latest post. Of course, it''s unfair to expect HR folks to rise above sordid matters like needing a paycheck and represent the interests of employees because HR professional

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I Told You So

True Faith HR

'Next month, Laurie Ruettimann and I will be presenting "Pop Culture, Politics, and HR" and the 3rd rendition of HREvolution in Atlanta, April 29. With the multitude of options and topics, you may be wondering why we are having this discussion in a session, instead of over drinks in the hotel bar? The relevance is big picture HR. People should be stepping back in our session and asking why they are in this field.

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IT Leadership Agrees AI is Here, but Now What?

IT leaders are experiencing rapid evolution in AI amid sustained investment uncertainty. As AI evolves, enhanced cybersecurity and hiring challenges grow. This whitepaper offers real strategies to manage risks and position your organization for success.

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Google Studies Management and Uncovers…. the Fundamentals

Josh Bersin

An article in the New York Times today describes Google’s Project Oxygen, a statistics driven research project to study what makes good managers. Google’s People Analytics team. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Executive Vulnerability: A First Step in Employee Engagement

David Zinger

Employee Engagement: Vulnerability as a First Step. A view of employee engagement in hospitals. Employees want to understand the direction of the organization and, more importantly, how their roles assist the organization’s process. Hospital executives can help spread mission, vision and values simply by being more present in their hospital halls.

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The Big Rethink in HR

Strategic HCM

'So what does the Big Rethink look like within HR? You may be interested in these notes on innovation in HCM from my Winter newsletter : Unfortunately innovation is not something that is seen as a priority by many businesses (see this article and this one in the FT for example). I think this is a shame. Yes, HR’s role in enabling innovation within the business is a highly important one, but innovating its own approach and processes is increasingly important too.

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Why is the Hiring Process So Slow?

Evil HR Lady

You would think that with unemployment being so high that hiring would be super easy. After all, you simply tell your employees that you’re hiring and post the job on your company’s websites. Within minutes LinkedIn is buzzing with all that networking and your company’s servers are being overwhelmed with hundreds of applicants. So, Why is the Hiring Process So Slow?

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How to Onboard New Hires in 10 Minutes or Less

Speaker: Speakers

Introducing Ten Minute Onboarding – a revolutionary formula to boost your hiring process's speed, efficiency, and accuracy. Join us September 10th to learn how this three-part system provides a blueprint to: Reduce Dropoff: Maintain momentum from the offer letter to the first day. Streamline Operations: Cut down administrative time and effort. Ensure Compliance: Minimize liability and mistakes.

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Project Social: Humane Resources

Working Girl

'Once when I changed jobs my new manager asked me to set up 1:1 meetings with the rest of the team, to get to know them and let them get to know me. One of these conversations stands out in my mind, partly because it was with a French colleague who spoke so beautifully that everything she said sounded elegant and wise. But it was her description of our manager that really stuck with me: ‘He’s a very humane manager.

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Leaders Cannot Be Blamers: 3 Things


The true test of a leader is when things don’t go as planned. Worst yet, when things fail. In an organizational context, I have seen so many leaders who drive the project/initiative right from the beginning – yet when the project fails, they blame others. The blame senior management, the organization culture, their own team members and sometimes even the customers.

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Taleo Firmly Establishes itself in the Learning Management Systems Market

Josh Bersin

The ever-changing market for Learning Management Systems (LMS) continues to evolve. Last year, Taleo, the largest provider of recruiting software, spent $100 million acquiring mid-market LMS vendor. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Free Employee Engagement Webinar: Connections with Michael Stallard

David Zinger

FREE Webinar March 22 at 13:00 Eastern. Employee Engagement: The Power of Connection. Michael Stallard and David Zinger join together to discuss the pivotal role of connection in employee engagement. David hosts Micheal in this engaging dialogue on the vitality of connection for engagement. Micheal is the author of Fired Up or Burned Out and David is the founder of the Employee Engagement Network.

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How to Increase Diversity in Your Workforce Through AI Technology

Diversity and inclusion are crucial for building a strong and innovative workforce. Discover how AI technology can revolutionize your hiring process and drive diversity in your organization. Explore over 10 ways AI recruiting tools can help you identify a wider pool of candidates, enhance communication strategies, and eliminate unconscious bias. Embrace the future of recruitment and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace with AI technology.

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It’s today: HR 2.0 webinar

Strategic HCM

'I hope you’ll be joining me for my Social HR / HR 2.0 webinar at 3.00 GMT today. (That’s 10.00am CDT if you’re in Houston like me.) If you can’t, or even if you can, join me, you may also be interested in these next two webinars I’ll be delivering: The social business – what it is and how HR, Enterprise 2.0 and other tools and approaches can be used to develop it : 3.00pm Tuesday 3rd May Think DiffeHRently: opportunities for innovation in HR and people management : 3.00pm Tuesday 12th July I’m

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My Job is Awesome, But My Boss is a Jerk

Evil HR Lady

Dear Evil HR Lady, The company I work for is very small (6 of us in total including part-timers). The founder and my boss are also father and son respectively. My boss is a bully and true to your advice I have been trying to offset his negativity by rising above it, concentrating on the task at hand, and confronting him where necessary. However, nothing seems to help for very long.

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Retention: Rhymes with Detention

Working Girl

'We’ve all heard the buzz about retention. There’s a war for talent on. Your best talent is at risk. Replacing employees is expensive. Yada, yada, yada. Don’t get me wrong, retention’s important. But while my project social partner Dave Ryan and I were chatting about retention last week, the words ‘rhymes with detention’ just popped into my head. If you think about it, there’s a fine line of distinction between the two words: To retain someone means you secure them for possible future use.

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Leadership: Not Rank But Results!


In organizations, I have seen people who are “designated” as leaders. I have seen many such designated leaders, who raised their game to meet the expectations that come along with leadership. They make an effort to learn about leadership, read books, blogs and consciously put those lessons in action. On the other hand, I have also seen designated leaders who create a shield of air around themselves.

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Unlock Hidden Talents: The SBO Blueprint For Success

Speaker: Brian Richardson

With a staggering 92% of CEOs prioritizing skill development, and 84% struggling with transformation, understanding SBO is critical. Drawing on extensive research and collaboration with hundreds of leading organizations, discover key hurdles and innovative best practices in upskilling. You'll leave with a comprehensive understanding of Skills-Based Organization (SBO), tailored insights into your organization's current capabilities, and a toolkit of effective strategies.

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Saba Earnings show Growth and Momentum – Now Truly a SaaS Company

Josh Bersin

This week Saba Software released one of its strongest financial results in many years. Saba, which pioneered the market for enterprise learning management systems, has now turned the corner in its. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Get the Picture on Employee Engagement From A to Z

David Zinger

Get the Picture on Employee Engagement from A to Z: Almost 19,000 views. Here is a classic slide presentation I created on Employee Engagement 3 years ago. It was posted on SlideShare and had over 18663 views and 2373 downloads. The presentation take you through the Employee Engagement alphabet in 26 visual and cogent slides. Enjoy. Employee Engagement A To Z Slides View more presentations from David Zinger.

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Why you need to hear your Employee’s Voice

Strategic HCM

'The recent UK labour market statistics pointing to a jobless recovery throughout 2011 and beyond emphasise the need for all organisations to get the most out of the people they currently employ. One, and certainly the simplest, way of organisations doing this is to listen to their people’s suggestions. I’ve recently posted on the need for doing this during restructuring – and the benefits Westminster Council have gained from listening to their employees.