March, 2012

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Thanking your team: what’s in it for you?


Hey A , We just polled our company and our engagement scores were down low. We’ve noticed a shift in morale and lack of recognition in general. We want to start with our managers to begin making a change. What do managers need to do to increase employee engagement on a daily basis? Thanks, Pat MaBack. Pat MaBack, It is common for managers in today’s workforce to not say thank you enough.

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Have traditional Human Resources Practices Become Out of date?

Josh Bersin

In preparation for our IMPACT Annual Research Conference in April, I have been actively studying our research over the last year. What we have discovered (and I will be discussing this in detail in. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Are You Really THAT Busy?

The Bamboo Project Blog

Long hours. are often more about proving something to ourselves than actually getting stuff done. --Jessica Stillman, Why Working More than 40 Hours a Week is Useless. Over the past few years, I've come to realize that I have about 8-9 hours of work in me per day. That's it. Occasionally, if I'm really engrossed in a project, I can push for more, but usually I pay for that later with needing 4-5 hour work days that don't require a lot of mental energy. .

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Man In The Corner Shop


'Do we ever notice the people around us as we walk by in our fast-walking-never-enough-hours-in-the-day corporate lives? Do we appreciate what others are struggling with; or, are we convinced that we are the center of the universe and therefore no one could possibly understand what we''re going through? Connection Moments I''m a firm believer that s imply saying “hello” can make a difference, if only for a moment.

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Thriving as a Lean & Mean HR Machine

Speaker: Mollie Hinz and Adri Glover

Feeling like you’re drowning in HR responsibilities? If you’re an HR professional with little or no additional support, or in a non-HR role juggling HR tasks with other responsibilities, you likely wear many hats – from recruitment and onboarding to benefits and employee engagement. This can be overwhelming, and we’re here to help. HR teams can be small and mighty, but it requires smart tactics to scale your reach.

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When Software Companies Put People First

Bersin with Deloitte

Ultimate Software had its user conference this week in Las Vegas—attended by 1200 users representing various areas of HR and payroll management. Ultimate Software, best known for its SaaS solution Ultipro, delivers HR, payroll, and talent management solutions that are all organically built for seamless integration. Founded in 1990, the company is headquartered in Weston, Florida and […].

More Trending

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Stop singing the recruiting blues: attract top talent today


A , We have had so much trouble attracting great talent. While we’ve had a number of applications, the qualifications we’re coming across don’t match with the jobs. This makes a lot of work for our recruiting team, with not enough results. How can we attract better talent without exhausting our teams? Phillip Jobs. Phillip Jobs, Have you considered holding an open house or lunch and learn?

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Saba Announces PeopleCloud and Acquisition of Human Concepts

Josh Bersin

This week Saba made two major announcements. First, the company introduced a bold new product offering, Saba PeopleCloud, an integrated new “work environment” which pulls together corporate social networking, knowledge sharing, real-time collaboration, web conferencing, and all of Saba’s formal learning technology in a brand new platform.

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Taking Responsibility for What You Love

The Bamboo Project Blog

Rosetta Thurman has long been one of my favorite bloggers--I've been reading her blog since she began in 2007. Today she has a 5-year anniversary post (Congrats, Rosetta!) that really resonated for me. It's about taking responsibility for what you love and what happens when you do: What I really want to say is that when you take responsibility for what you love and begin to show up with your unique gifts and talents, magic happens.

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Lots of Fear in the HR C-Suite


'Today marks the kick-off of a new project called #NoFearHR between my good friend Mike VanDervort and I as we begin a dialogue on the impact of social media and Human Resources. Be sure to check out his terrific blog for his reaction once he sees today''s post. Hey Mike , Something has been bothering me for a while and I just can''t hold back any longer.

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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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Another Stake in Ground for Blackboard: Two New Investments in the Open-source E-learning Market

Bersin with Deloitte

Blackboard’s statement of principles about open source says it is “committed to supporting the growth, development and use of open source technologies in education worldwide.” Blackboard also says it “expects to make significant contributions to the community to help ensure that open source options remain strong, reliable and sustainable for all.” To that end, Blackboard […].

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Managing e-mail Overload – 10 Tips for Success


One of the common challenge employees face is how to manage e-mails, not be managed by it. Time is a zero sum game. You can spend your precious time on an e-mail or spend it on doing something else. As on date e-mail is the most heavily used mode of business communication. As per a research […].

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How not to recognize & reward your sales team


Hi, I’m Chris and I use our in house rewards and recognition program when I want to applaud my team. Sometimes, it’s hard to get the process moving, so I started some things of my own. Unfortunately … they didn’t’ turn out too great. Through trial and error (and yes, ‘trial’ means I’ve actually done this), here is my top 5 list of ways to not recognize your sales team.

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Saba Announces PeopleCloud and Acquisition of Human Concepts

Josh Bersin

This week Saba made two major announcements. First, the company introduced a bold new product offering, Saba PeopleCloud, an integrated new “work environment” which pulls together. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Onboarding, Data, Experience: Critical Components in the Modern Hiring Environment

Read the full results of the study conducted by Lighthouse Research & Advisory in partnership with HiBob to discover how to transform your talent acquisition strategy by harnessing the power of data and integration.

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Meditations on Career Generosity

The Bamboo Project Blog

A blog post this morning by Walter McKenzie got me thinking about career behavior--more specifically do we approach people with a "what's in it for me?" mentality or do we look beyond transactions? Here's Walter's take on an experience he had recently: In terminal one at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago, right across from Chili’s, is a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory shop, where they have a standing offer that you can buy three caramel apples and get a fourth one free.

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No Gods, No Masters


'Consider these scenarios: An unpopular employee is in trouble => Do you follow your process; or, do you get more aggressive to try and justify firing them? A complaint comes to you that hits a little too close to home => Do you accept it as something that needs to be addressed; or, do you bury it in the other 100+ emails you’re going to get today?

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Video Preview of IMPACT 2012 Speakers – Two Weeks Away!

Bersin with Deloitte

[vimeo 38994666 w=500 h=281]> [vimeo 38933867 w=500 h=281]> [vimeo 38687882 w=500 h=281]> [vimeo 38687822 w=500 h=281]> [vimeo 38688474 w=500 h=281]. The post Video Preview of IMPACT 2012 Speakers – Two Weeks Away! appeared first on Bersin by Deloitte.

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Personnel Today: Social Media at Work

Strategic HCM

'Just back from delivering a workshop on social media in HR in Kuala Lumpur , I’ve been speaking at a webcast on the same subject broadcast earlier this afternoon. (If I didn’t look jet lagged on the video it’s because it was recorded a bit earlier.) The archive is available here. As well as me, the discussion included Matthew Hanwell at Nokia , Ofer Guetta at IBM and Rob Moss, Editor of Personnel Today (chair).

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Capture ROI with every recognition


“HR is responsible for creating a rhythm of recognition and everyday feedback. Facilitating this culture without a formal program in place is time consuming and taxing on HR professionals. Technical rewards and recognition programs will meet your employees’ needs, take pressure off HR, and precisely measure ROI to present to the C-Suite.”. The post Capture ROI with every recognition appeared first on [engage]- The Employee Success and Engagement Blog by Achievers.

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Why you should come to IMPACT on April 10-13…

Josh Bersin

We are all getting excited about our upcoming research conference IMPACT 2012: The Business of Talent®. There are seats left, but the conference will likely sell out (as it has in prior years), so. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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How To Move When You Don't Know Where to Go

The Bamboo Project Blog

Long-time readers of this blog know that I am a fervent advocate of the "Act/Reflect" cycle of career and professional development. And I know that failure to deal with both sides of this equation is one of your surest routes to stuck. . Yesterday I stumbled across this article on the Harvard Business Review Blog on what to do when you don't know what to do.

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Far Beyond Driven


'I''ve been reflecting on my style lately. Not my clothes, but rather how I approach my personal and professional lives. I''ve also been thinking a lot about balance. I used to call it work-life balance, but that doesn''t really seem to apply anymore. Life balance is more appropriate for me. Work is demanding and requires a lot of time if its going to be done well.

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Creating a Company Culture of Care: Integrating Mental Health, Wellbeing, and DEI in Benefits

Speaker: Sean Raible

Picture a workplace where physiological safety is not just an aim but a reality, driven by thoughtful employee benefits that prioritize mental health, wellbeing, and DEI. 🤔 ✨ Achieving this vision requires more than just occasional training sessions and employee assistance programs. Moving beyond the basics, this vision calls for a holistic approach that integrates these elements into your company culture as well as your HR and benefits strategy.

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Have Traditional Human Resources Practices Become Out of Date?

Bersin with Deloitte

In preparation for our IMPACT Annual Research Conference in April, I have been actively studying our research over the last year. What we have discovered (and I will be discussing this in detail in my keynote), is that today's business environment requires a complete rethink of many of the traditional practices of HR. Let me briefly […]. The post Have Traditional Human Resources Practices Become Out of Date?

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Think Moneyball

Working Girl

'It''s the post with the picture of Brad Pitt. I recently wrote a post at Compensation Café called The Young and the Restless , about how Generation Y is more likely to leave an organization they are satisfied with than other generations. Why? Because they aren’t tied down by things like kids, mortgages and 15 years of experience in a particular field.

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It’s a two-way street: Impressed employees drive impressive results


Would you order the most expensive meal on the menu and expect your date to pay? Would you tell your date to arrive at 7PM sharp and then show up an hour later? You probably wouldn’t, because great relationships are a two-way street of giving and taking. And like romantic relationships, your relationships with your employees need to be equally co-invested.

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Cornerstone Acquires Sonar6: Talent Management for SMB

Josh Bersin

Today CornerstoneOnDemand announced the acquisition of Sonar6, an innovative small provider of highly graphical performance review and succession management tools for small businesses. An SMB. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Performance Review Calibrations Made Easy

Every company aspires to be the best, and performance reviews are the cornerstone of that journey. However, discrepancies in how managers rate their teams can lead to unfairness.

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Changing Joyfully

The Bamboo Project Blog

Change is hard--or so we believe. But what if it isn't? What if we just make it that way because that's what we believe? . Yesterday I was reading this post by Megan Thom who writes about how burnt out she was in her work. Until she had an epiphany that for change to happen she must make it joyful and bring to it her authentic self: In my burnt-out, disappointed and thoughtful state, I resolved that henceforth all activism I engaged in would involve at least one of my favourite activities: grow

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5 to 1


'Last week a group of bloggers were recognized for their contributions to making a difference in the world of Human Resources. The team over at FistfulofTalent rolled out an announcement that included a countdown from 5 to 1. I was quite humbled to be a part of that large group. What struck me though, is that the countdown and the amazing writers who filled all of the spots (as well as those not included this time) are actually working to transform our profession.

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Attracting Talent in Today’s Social World

Bersin with Deloitte

Bersin & Associates research demonstrates that the inability to attract and retain top talent is top of mind for HR professionals. The issues are many: students leave school poorly prepared, companies need very specific skills, often at very high levels, and a younger generation of workers is entering the workforce with an increased focus on […].

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