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The Gig Economy: Navigating the New Frontier of Work


In the ever-evolving landscape of the workforce, the gig economy has emerged as a significant phenomenon, reshaping traditional employment paradigms and introducing a new era of job flexibility, autonomy, and digital innovation. This blog delves into the intricacies of the gig economy, offering insights for both workers navigating this space and businesses looking to leverage […] The post The Gig Economy: Navigating the New Frontier of Work appeared first on ExactHire.

HR Trends 253
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Green HR Practices: Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace


April is dedicated as “Earth Month” with “Earth Day” held annually on April 22nd. People are shifting their mindsets though to make “every day Earth Day” by committing to Earth friendly efforts. Environmentalism is not only for individuals, but for companies too. Implementing eco-friendly practices within the work culture confirms a company’s commitment to sustainability […] The post Green HR Practices: Promoting Sustainability in the Workplace appeared first on ExactHire.

Company 130

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Spring Into Action – Interns, Externs, & Apprentices


Filling open vacancies within a company is a daily challenge for Human Resources. Seasoned talent coming from competitors may try to leverage their skills and experience to potentially negotiate. Whether that’s higher salary or benefits packages when seeking employment with a new company. The hiring process can become a game of negotiation between a company […] The post Spring Into Action – Interns, Externs, & Apprentices appeared first on ExactHire.

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Personalization of Employee Benefits


Talent that drives the success of a company is multi-generational. Working alongside each other are Baby Boomers, Gen X, Y (Millennials) and Z. Each generation brings its own talents and characteristics. They each have their own unique needs when it comes to employee benefits provided by the company. There is no one-size-fits-all to employee benefits […] The post Personalization of Employee Benefits appeared first on ExactHire.

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Enhancing Employee Retention: HR Practices for the Modern Workplace


In an era where talent is a pivotal asset for any organization, employee retention emerges as a critical challenge for human resources (HR) professionals. With the dynamic nature of today’s work environment, retaining top talent requires more than just competitive salaries; it necessitates a holistic approach that addresses various facets of employee satisfaction and engagement. […] The post Enhancing Employee Retention: HR Practices for the Modern Workplace appeared first on ExactHi

Resources 241
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The Impact of Gen Z in the Workplace


Looking to attract the next generation of talent? Then it might be time to use up to date, proven effective methods of hiring. An ATS, specifically ExactHire ATS is the perfect place to start. With ability to post to thousands of job boards, write accurate job descriptions, QR code applications and text recruiting you’ll be […] The post The Impact of Gen Z in the Workplace appeared first on ExactHire.

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5 Reasons Why Companies Need Human Resources


I was talking with a friend yesterday who does “life coaching,” and she asked a great question … “Why do you like your job so much?” My answer was simple…ExactHire is a small company so everyone here has to wear many different “hats” and no day is ever the same. We have fun together and work as a team! The more I thought about it, I was struck by the ironic fact that we work in the Human Resources (HR) industry but don’t have a specific Human Resources department or even