Sat.Mar 30, 2013 - Fri.Apr 05, 2013

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Health Care Reform: Cutting Your Employees’ Hours Isn’t Always the Answer


The new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as health care reform, requires employers with 50 or more full-time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) to provide health coverage to employees who work an average of 30 or more hours per week. If employers who are subject to the rules don’t comply, they can face hefty fines.

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How to Write Job Descriptions Optimized for Job Boards and Internet Search, Tip 3


What’s in a job’s name? Sometimes…not enough. Particularly, if the job opportunity your company is trying to fill has an über common job title. So common in fact, that its chances of appearing near the top of search results for your intended applicant audience are nil. In my third installment of the “ How to Write Job Descriptions Optimized for Job Boards & Internet Search” blog series , I’ll discuss three techniques for giving your job title (and therefore job description) a fighting


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The Ever Changing State of the Learning Technology Industry

Josh Bersin

Over the last ten years the learning technology industry has undergone radical change. With a flurry of acquisitions and many new technologies now available for learning, it is increasingly difficult. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

Industry 132
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Analyst Insight: Empower your managers to drive employee success


Business Success may start with Employee Success™, but Employee Success starts with engaged managers. In its latest report “Empowering Managers to Drive Employee Success,” the Aberdeen Group dives into the manager’s role in employee engagement. The report explores the importance of manager tools in driving success in the workplace. It found that in order to improve business results, managers need solutions to help them understand activity within their team and highlight areas to manage and optim

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6 Strategies to Navigate Social Determinants of Health for a Better Workplace

In today’s dynamic work landscape, where the lines between personal and professional life blur, understanding the intricate interplay between social determinants of health (SDoH) and emotional wellbeing is paramount. Employers must acknowledge that the whole person comes to work and every aspect of a person’s personal and professional life, especially their mental health, comes with them.

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5 Limiting Beliefs About Our Careers We Need to Change

The Bamboo Project Blog

Video Blog 1--Limiting Beliefs - Computer from Michele Martin on Vimeo. I'm taking my own medicine--doing some experimenting and taking a bit of a risk-- so today's blog post is a video where I go over 5 limiting beliefs that get in the way of your career in today's economy and the alternative beliefs we need to put in their place. . I also want to point you to this post on 3 ways to create your own opportunities. .


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The Craft of Human Resources

Josh Bersin

I’ve had the opportunity to study talent management, training, and human resources for more than ten years now. And after talking with literally hundreds of companies, leaders, and. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

Resources 122
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A paycheck is not a thank-you


David Brennan is a man of strong opinions. “First of all, I’d like to apologize to any accountants,” he said in his recent webinar, “Obtaining and Sustaining Executive Buy-In,” “but they ruined engagement.” Although technically, they weren’t the ultimate problem, he ceded—it was direct deposit. Before direct deposit, he explained, the payroll department had to physically hand out checks.

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Defensive Listening


'We all know what it means to get defensive. Typically there is a negative connotation, even though its really more about our survival instincts than something negative. If we feel we''re being attacked, or criticized, we naturally get a little (or a lot) defensive. At least I do.or should I say I used to. Talk Is Cheap ?? ? Part of my job is to strategize the most effective way to handle very complex and difficult situations.

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What Is Feedback & How To Give It


Giving feedback is an honest two way dialogue with another person without any intent to show them down or in poor light. Feedback is not a bashing exercise! Feedback helps people maximize their potential at different stages of life or career, it raise their awareness of strengths and areas for improvement, and helps them to identify actions […].

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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The Craft of Human Resources

Josh Bersin

'I’ve had the opportunity to study talent management, training, and human resources for more than ten years now. And after talking with literally hundreds of companies, leaders, and. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Write Your One Page Management User Manual

David Zinger

Adam Bryant in his Corner Office Column in the New York Time s interviewed Ivar Kroghrud, the lead strategist at QuestBack, specialists in feedback management. Kroghrud stated that he created a one page user manual about himself so others know how to work with him. Here is a snippet of the interview: Q. Can you give some examples of what it says? A.

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Technology is Eating Your Job (Part 2)--For Those Who Need More Convincing

The Bamboo Project Blog

Last Friday, I wrote about how technology is eating your job. Since then, I've been immersed in further exploring the extent to which this is true and finding more resources to convince you that this is one of the most critical trends impacting your career today. . First, if you care at all about the future of your job, I encourage you to watch Andrew McAfee's TEDXTalk in Boston above.

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Changing Jobs – How To Evaluate A Potential Employer


In the current volatile business climate, it is important to evaluate a prospective employer and the new job from various angles. Remember that it is your future that you are taking a call on. There is no scope of snap decisions in such a scenario and no point jumping from the devil into the deep sea.

How To 75
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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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The Ever Changing State of the Learning Technology Industry

Josh Bersin

'Over the last ten years the learning technology industry has undergone radical change. With a flurry of acquisitions and many new technologies now available for learning, it is increasingly difficult. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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An employee engagement lesson from Berlin: It is the cook and the recipe.

David Zinger

How to create employee engagement. I presented two sessions on employee engagement in Berlin on March 13 & 14 sponsored by the Connecting Group. The speakers and participants were exceptional. Certainly a major benefit of presenting at conferences is learning from all the other presenters. I was inspired by the engaged and passionate presentation of Ramiro Garces , Vice President Human Resources Latin America at Kimberly-Clark.

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Reader Question: Tech is Eating My Job, So Now What?

The Bamboo Project Blog

'Tech Is Eating My Job, So Now What Do I Do? from Michele Martin on Vimeo. In response to yesterday''s post on how technology is eating your job, Deborah Gabriel commented : So, Michele, I cannot argue with your research data as mine confirms it. What I want to hear are solutions. Solutions are what interest me, too, so I went to video to explain how I think we, as individuals, can deal with the this issue in our careers.

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Understanding Quality: Duty Towards Self


Gross definition of quality is externally oriented – meeting and exceeding customer expectations, satisfying their implicit and explicit requirements, the degree of excellence, and conformance to specifications. They all refer to something outside of us. At a subtle level, quality stems from what is inside of us. More than deliverance to others, it is deliverance [.

Meeting 59
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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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Internal Expertise Is an Untapped Learning Resource


'While learning programs are going more digital, don’t forget that your company has many internal experts who have knowledge to share. Those specialists have expertise in areas that affect different parts of the business. For example, the logistics manager will have insight into how the supply chain affects whether products are delivered on time. When marketing needs to set product launch dates, it’s critical to partner with the logistics manager.

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Cloud, big data and social media transforming HR ~ HR to HR 2.0.

Strategic HCM

'skip to main | skip to sidebar. Home. Bio-Contact. Consulting. Speaking. Writing. About-HCM. Welcome. Welcome height=200 id=Image1_img src=[link] width=220/>. Connect with me. Jon Ingham. Contact me at. info [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com. Skype: strategic-hcm. +44 7904 185 134. Read more by me in. Contributions from David Ulrich, Marshall Goldsmith, Peter Cappelli, Noel Tichy, Ed Lawler, Jon Ingham, Beverly Kaye, Sharon Jordan-Evans.

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Harnessing Social Media for Leadership Development - Part 2


'Exploring the use of social media for leadership development, we look at barriers to success and how leaders can hurdle them.

ATS 40
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Pre-Hire Assessment Science Revealed: Value for Employers, Value for Candidates

Bersin with Deloitte

These days there is a lot of talk about BigData in HR. And it's a good thing: there is a science to people management, and the more data we have about people the easier it becomes to make critical people decisions. Data helps us understand why some people perform better than others, why some people […].

Hiring 69
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Automate Your Onboarding Process In 7 Steps

Efficient employee onboarding is more than a warm welcome—it's a catalyst for business growth. Automated onboarding transforms new hires into productive team members faster, fostering long-term satisfaction and talent retention. For HR, automation means replacing inefficient manual processes with streamlined, cost-effective operations. Our eBook reveals how automating employee onboarding delivers these benefits, reducing HR challenges and elevating new employee readiness.

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Identify and Uplift Disengaged High Performers


'Employees are always asked to do more, and while there’s the very real employee population that’s only productive 60 percent of the time, many more are productive and performing well. They might also be burned out. Believe it or not, some employees want to do a good job, even if the workplace is beating them down. Maybe they’re going through a rough patch, or maybe they’re having issues with a colleague.

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The Real Reason Marissa Mayer Should Catch Flack

Inpower Coaching

The same week Yahoo! rescinded teleworking policies for its employees, Best Buy did the same. Many pointed to the fact that Yahoo!’s working mom CEO got flack when Best Buy’s working dad CEO didn’t as unfair for gender inequity reasons. While I suspect that unfortunately Marissa Mayer was a better criticism target because she’s a woman/mom, I also think Yahoo!

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Harnessing Social Media for Leadership Development - Part 2


Exploring the use of social media for leadership development, we look at barriers to success and how leaders can hurdle them.

ATS 40
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On Seasonal Employment and PAAS Easter Dye Kits

True Faith HR

'It is Easter Sunday, which means that many of you spent the past couple of weeks dyeing Easter Eggs. Most likely, you used the PAAS Easter Egg Color Kit. Is there a company more synonymous with a holiday than PAAS? No big brand name for fireworks for the 4th of July. Lots of competition for your Halloween and Christmas dollar. If you dyed eggs, it was with PAAS : PAAS , an Ocala-based egg-coloring company owned by Signature Brands, accounts for 80 percent of the egg-decorating market, said Brit

Trends 58
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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.