January, 2011

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Hey Now What You Doing

True Faith HR

'If its early-January, it means that many college professors and students are on winter break. It also means that it is the heart of tenure and promotion season. Untenured faculty are busy preparing to submit their application in the hopes of gaining that next step in their academic career. For most schools, the tenure and promotion is one and the same.

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How Employee Engagement Really Drives Stock Price

Josh Bersin

One of the hottest issues in human resources is the need to develop high levels of employee engagement and satisfaction. We all know that organizations with happy people have lower turnover, deliver. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.


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How School Screws Things Up For "Real Life"

The Bamboo Project Blog

My older daughter graduated from college in May and has been working at her new job since June. Last night we had a conversation that got me thinking about how school does a really terrible job of preparing our young people for "the real world" by setting up some seriously unrealistic expectations. In school, we teach kids that: Life happens in a series of connected, time-delineated steps (courses, semesters) so there's always "light at the end of the tunnel" and its clear what the next step wil

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American Bar Association: Think Twice About Law School

Evil HR Lady

The American Bar Association has posted a warning about getting a law degree on their website. Far too many law students expect that earning a law degree will solve their financial problems for life. In reality, however, attending law school can become a financial burden for law students who fail to consider carefully the financial implications of their decision.

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New Report from 3,500+ Employers Confirms Retention is a Top HR Priority in 2024

The first report from Gallagher’s 2024 US Workforce Trends Report Series, includes data from 3,500+ employers who participated in the 2024 US Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey. The report provides benchmarks for benefits, HR and people strategies to help organizations thrive. Organizations continue to rank retention as the top priority for HR, and second highest for operations.

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Employee Engagement 2010 Dozen (June): Just Add Spinach

David Zinger

Let’s create more robust employee engagement! This post originally appeared as a column in Employee Engagement Today. Employee engagement is too damn anaemic to give us the full results we hope for individuals, organisations and other stakeholders from shareholders to customers. The anaemia of the phrase partially stems from attaching engagement exclusively to the word employee.

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Creating a Learning Organization: 10 Actions For a Leader


Jack Welch said, “An organizations ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the greatest competitive advantage.” Continuous learning and its respective implementation to generate desired business outcomes is at the core of successful organizations. Peter Senge defined a learning organization as the one “where people continually expand their capacity to create the [.

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SumTotal Acquires GeoLearning: LMS Market Consolidation Continues

Josh Bersin

Today another major shift takes place in the talent management systems market: SumTotal Systems announced plans to acquire GeoLearning. Background: SumTotal Systems is the largest provider of. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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"Stand Still When the Hippos Charge"

The Bamboo Project Blog

Yesterday I read a wonderful Change This Manifesto on The Zen of Business: 7 Habits of the Highly Creative by Matthew May. I'm currently in what I'm referring to as "creative recovery" (otherwise known as AA for creatives) so these habits really struck a chord with me. One of my favorites on the list is the habit of "Seijaku" or stillness, solitude, quietude.

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Winter Snow Storms: Should You Make Your Employees Come to Work?

Evil HR Lady

It's a snowy mess outside and you're the boss. Should you require everyone to come into the office? Here are 5 things to help you make that decisions. Winter Snow Storms: Should You Make Your Employees Come to Work?

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The Intelligent Automation Guide For Human Resources

Achieving your HR goals for 2024 requires strategic focus and efficiency. But your team is overwhelmed and in the worst cases, burned out. Our eBook explores how process automation can streamline administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity, allowing your HR team to put their energy into higher value activities. Address key challenges such as: Limited resources Departmental silos Employee burnout Learn about the real benefits of advanced automation tools as well

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Employee Engagement and 10 Mistakes in Behavior Change

David Zinger

Are you mistaken? Standford University Persuasive Tech Lab offers the follow short slide presentation on 10 common errors in behavioral change. Ensure that you don’t make these errors in your employee engagement efforts. Top 10 Mistakes in Behavior Change. View more presentations from Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford.

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Project Social: Why Should HR Care About Sustainability?

Working Girl

'As an HR professional, you might think sustainability isn’t a high priority for HR. And, given all that''s going on in the HR world right now you may be right… for now. However, the business climate is changing. Increasingly, customers and investors want to know what kinds of companies they’re doing business with and they’re starting to ask for evidence of sustainable business practices.

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How to Make Use of Your Organization’s Collective Knowledge – Accessing the Knowledge of the Whole Organization - Part I

Conversation Matters

Collective knowledge is the next step beyond knowledge sharing for organizations. More than just making use of the existing knowledge employees have, collective knowledge makes use of the sensemaking capabilities of employees. Sensemaking is the very human act of creating meaning out of the incredible amount of data and input that continuously surrounds everyone within an organization.

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Talent Management Revisited: Where are we now?

Josh Bersin

Talent management has now become one of the most talked-about topics in business and HR. Companies around the world are reorganizing their human resources teams to create Chief Talent Officers, Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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Reflecting on Online Community Building

The Bamboo Project Blog

For one of my clients, I'm developing an online community of practitioners working for a variety of nonprofit, government and for-profit entitities in New Jersey. We wanted to treat the process of forming and nurturing this community as a learning project so we could share our "lessons learned" with others who are doing this kind of work. Our intent is to write an Issues Brief at the end of the project ot share with others.

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American Bar Association: Think Twice About Law School

Evil HR Lady

The American Bar Association has posted a warning about getting a law degree on their website. Far too many law students expect that earning a law degree will solve their financial problems for life. In reality, however, attending law school can become a financial burden for law students who fail to consider carefully the financial implications of their decision.

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Employee Engagement 2010 Dozen (May) Zinger’s 5-Item APGAR Pulse Assessment

David Zinger

APGAR: Birthing A Playful New Employee Engagement Gage. Time for a new gage ? In my last post: Is Your Employee Engagement Gage Working I was critical of the over-reliance on surveys as our employee engagement gage. I recently presented at a woman and child healthcare conference and I decided to get playful with the participants and create an employee engagement gage they could relate to.

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HR Challenges in 2011

Strategic HCM

'I opened this short 17 question survey towards the end of last year and it temporarily closed last week. However I’ve not had time to do analyse the results, and having missed my deadline, thought I might as well keep it going for another week. The survey will now close on 29th January. Internal HR practitioners who are in or can get to the UK this Summer have the opportunity to win a free ticket to the Economist’s Talent Management Summit in London on 9th June.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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Don't Waste NHO!

Working Girl

'Let’s see a show of hands: Who has ever read an employee handbook? OK, I have, but only the ones I helped write. Mind you, I’m not implying that the employee handbook isn’t useful or popular. And if your desk wiggles it makes a great wedge. Now let’s have another show of hands: Who’s attended an New Hire Orientation (NHO) that consisted mainly of walking through the employee handbook?

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LinkedIn IPO – A Radical Transformation in Corporate Recruiting Begins

Josh Bersin

Today LinkedIn announced its long-awaited IPO. The numbers tell a story: this company is going to radically transform corporate recruiting. Here are a few of the important statistics to. Bersin & Associates, Leading Research and Advisory Services in Enterprise Learning and Talent Management.

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Podcast: Protecting Yourself When Social Media Tools Disappear

The Bamboo Project Blog

Allyson Kapin, co-founder of the Rad Campaign , and I had the opportunity to record a Social Good podcast with Allison Fine for the Chronicle of Philanthropy about the demise of Delicious and the issues that arise when free tools disappear. In the podcast, Allyson Kapin makes some excellent points about the need to not put all your eggs in one social media basket and makes a plug for open source options, which are probably the most sustainable way to maintain free tools--unless you're Google.

Tools 61
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Winter Snow Storms: Should You Make Your Employees Come to Work?

Evil HR Lady

It's a snowy mess outside and you're the boss. Should you require everyone to come into the office? Here are 5 things to help you make that decisions. Winter Snow Storms: Should You Make Your Employees Come to Work?

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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Employee Engagement 2010 Dozen (Apr): 14 Lessons From 2 Boys and a Sewer

David Zinger

Full Employee Engagement is Sewer Power, Really! Notice what is in front of you. I was returning home from a jog when I encountered my neighbour and her two sons. The boys, ages 2 and 4, were bounding ahead of their mom straight to the cover of the sewer on our street (see the picture of the actual sewer above). Down the Sewer and Into Engagement. They didn’t hesitate to plunk themselves down on the manhole and engage fully with the sewer.

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Gandhi, Leadership And A Fews Lessons On Simplicity


Home Go to QAspire.com Guest Posts Disclaimer Gandhi, Leadership And A Few Lessons On Simplicity I have been a great admirer of Mahatma Gandhi - one of the greatest leaders India has ever produced. I recently visited Sabarmati Ashram , one of the residences of Gandhi, where we got a glimpse into Gandhi’s life as a national leader. One thing that really struck me was the simplicity of his life and his messages (like the one below): Photo by Tanmay Vora at Sabarmati Ashram, Ahmedabad Gandhi was a

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Modern Workforce Series

Working Girl

'Within the next week I''m expecting my third child, which will I expect will add to my work life complexities. From a blogging perspective, however, it presents certain possibilities. The workforce is changing and becoming more diverse. Companies are employing more contractors than ever before to minimize fixed costs. The workforce is also expanding globally in order to remain competitive.

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SumTotal Acquires GeoLearning: LMS Market Consolidation Continues

Josh Bersin

Today another major shift takes place in the talent management systems market: SumTotal Systems announced the acquisition of GeoLearning. Background: SumTotal Systems is the largest provider of learning management systems today (and also a major provider of integrated talent management systems). In our LMS 2011 research we show that before this acquisition SumTotal had.

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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Leading Means Taking Advantage of Teachable Moments


Are you frazzled, worn out and tired of doing everything because your team members can’t manage to get even the smallest task right? It’s time to take a look in the mirror because you may be the problem. While chatting with a team leader recently, he told me about a situation with one of his […].

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Getting what you ask for (oh, and it IS a popularity contest)

Strategic HCM

'I posted earlier this week about one of my submissions for this Summer’s Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston: HR2.0 and the Future of HR (I also posted on some other submissions about Culture and the Social Business on my other blog). In my HR2.0 post, I also noted that the conference’s selection process – using an enterprise 2.0 system from Spigit - is something a lot more conferences should use: “It doesn’t guarantee a good conference,but it gets much nearer to this”.

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The Employee Engagement Network Turn 3 Today

David Zinger

Happy Birthday! 3333 members in 3 years. I am very excited today to celebrate the third birthday of the Employee Engagement Network. It began on a cold Saturday in Winnipeg as an experiment to see if anyone else was interested in employee engagement (apparently they were and are) and has grown to over 3333 members in 3 years. Over the next 10 years I trust this network will have a significant impact on increasing employee engagement 20% around the globe. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.