Fri.May 20, 2016

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M&A Friday! This Week’s HR Deals


Happy Friday. Each week, with the help of HRmarketer Insight software , our researchers compile a sampling of mergers & acquisition, funding and partnership announcements from the human resource, recruitment and employee benefits marketplace. Sign-up for our weekly What’s Hot in HR newsletter to get these weekly updates via email. M&A.

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Know Your Audience – Friday Distraction

HR Bartender

(Editor’s Note: Today’s post is brought to you by our friends at Kronos , a global leader in delivering workforce management solutions in the cloud. Kronos announced a multi-city international tour of KronosLIVE , an event series that offers the latest insights on how organizations can manage their most strategic asset – their workforce. For details, check out their website.

Kronos 174

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The 10 Most Popular Articles Among Recruiters This Week

Linkedin Talent Blog

In case you need a stimulating read, here’s a great list for you. We took a look at the articles staffing and corporate recruiters shared, liked, and commented on the most on LinkedIn during the last 7 days and posted them below. Here are the top posts for this week: 1. Want More Women On Boards? Make Them Easier to Find -- by Katie Couric. 2. Google's HR Boss: Stop Asking Candidates About Their Current Salary -- by Jessica Stillman. 3 What Your Resume Should Look Like In 2016 -- by Daniel Bo

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The Secret to a Happier Workplace


By Derek Irvine. Recognize This! – Science has transformed workplace happiness from a nice-to-have to a compelling imperative, but it needs to start with alignment, positivity, and progress. What comes to mind when you imagine what a happy workplace might look like? A company full of optimists who are always smiling no matter what’s going on around them.

Strategy 148
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6 Strategies to Navigate Social Determinants of Health for a Better Workplace

In today’s dynamic work landscape, where the lines between personal and professional life blur, understanding the intricate interplay between social determinants of health (SDoH) and emotional wellbeing is paramount. Employers must acknowledge that the whole person comes to work and every aspect of a person’s personal and professional life, especially their mental health, comes with them.

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Key to Sustainable Success: Developing Middle Managers


According to census data , retirement rates will increase significantly as the US workforce ages over the next 10 years, resulting in a vacuum within today’s middle management. While managers have been the source of much analysis, the majority of research and writing – whether popular or scholarly – centers either on the C-suite and senior executives or on first-time managers.

More Trending

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Smart Drugs In The Office, Taking Mental Health Seriously, Building A Culture Of Trust And HR Tech Trends #FridayFinds


Welcome to a new week of HR and workplace wonders! As an HR professional, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends and news in the field. Since we know how busy your week can get, we’re here to help with a quick wrap-up of some of the most shared and talked-about articles. Here are this week’s most popular HR articles: Like It or Not, “Smart Drugs” Are Coming to the Office.

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Business Travel Has a Drinking Problem.

The HR Capitalist

It's true. I've been on the road a lot recently, and it's safe to say that business travel has a drinking problem. Not everyone has a problem. But it's safe to say the percentage of adults who are enjoying a nightcap (or four) on the road is higher than it is when the same group is at home. Does that matter? It depends on who you ask. Ask anyone participating in the nightcaps, and the answer is sure to be no.

Groups 89
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Personal Branding: A Fine Line Between Ego and Enterprise Success


With the growth of personal blogs, social media, and other online media, there has been a rapid rise in the number of individuals both within management, and the rank and file of organizations, who are building, and seeking to build, substantial online reputations. However, many companies aren’t necessarily looking at social media as a platform for individuals to build brands, but rather as a channel to reach more customers.

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10 Incredible Quotes That Make the Case for Women in Business Leadership


The woman leader is a minority in business. But why? The business world isn’t made up of pre-pubescent boys running a ‘No Girls Allowed’ club out of a treehouse, is it? If so, it’s time to let the down the ladder. We need to change the paradigm, and not just because it’s ‘the right thing […] Read more. Read More» The post 10 Incredible Quotes That Make the Case for Women in Business Leadership appeared first on Switch & Shift.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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5 Ways Leaders Empower The Social Enterprise


We have all seen the power of social and community. People come together and the result is something unified and powerful and greater than the sum of its parts. I’m always inspired when I see the dynamic things a strong community can accomplish. It’s a force leaders must create in their enterprises. Community is about people communicating and bonding, pooling their strengths and talents to deliver amazing performance.

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4 Reasons You’re Losing Candidates—And How to Fix It


The job market is bouncing back, and that means employers aren’t just hiring to fill vacancies, they’re hiring to grow. With more jobs on the market than people to fill them, job seekers can be selective about the opportunities they pursue. All that to say, competition is fierce, and every time you lose someone from your candidate funnel, you lose a potential great hire.

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#WorkTrends Preview: Mobility: The Changing Workforce


Growth is happening on the global front at a dizzying pace, even in the current economy. Companies are expanding into or within regions where they need to build their workforce quickly and efficiently. Often, that means moving talent to the place it’s most needed, and this must happen at a time when competition for skills is highest. Companies that focus on mobility as part of their talent strategy will see the most growth, performance, leadership development and retention.

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Great Leaders Come and Go, Here’s How You Can Help them Stay


Do you have the right strategy in place to retain your company leaders? Here’s how using the right tools and assessments may help keep your star performers on-track for a long, productive career with your company.

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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Are ‘stay interviews’ the key to improving retention at your company?


A key to achieving success in human capital management is maintaining some control over employee turnover. It’s hard to run a profitable business if your employees are always quitting – instead of focusing on productivity, turnover forces you to pour money into recruiting, hiring and training rather than actual work. It’s tougher to keep your eyes on the prize.

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Organizations vs. Humans – Are We At Odds? #WorkHuman

Women of HR

The sign of any great conference is when you continue to mull over the ideas with which you’re presented and the concepts you learn even after the event itself is over. It’s now a little over a week since WorkHuman 2016 wrapped up, and I’m still contemplating much of what I heard. The event closed on Wednesday afternoon with a keynote from business thinker and author Gary Hamel , in a session titled “For Human Being to Thrive at Work, Bureaucracy Must Die.

ATS 65
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Government of the People: Sculpture in Philadelphia

Laurie Ruettimann

I’m just back from Philadelphia, a scrappy Midwestern city on the east coast of America. Philadelphia is known for art, and more specifically, sculptures. So I took a walk and tried to take in as many sculptures as possible in a few hours. It was raining and very dreary, which was a challenge, but I was determined to see some art. One of the weirdest sculptures I saw was Government of the People by Jacques Lipchitz.

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Company pays $250K to settle employee’s bias claim. The one where his manager maybe peed on him.

The Employer Handbook

Although, it could’ve been worse. Seeing as the going rate for poop discrimination is $2.25 million. Cue mildly inappropriate music. Kurt Orzeck at Law360 reports here (subscription required) about a recent settlement — actually a consent decree — entered into between a North Dakote employer and a Filipino employee who sued for race and national origin discrimination.

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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Friday Five: Human and Non-Human Resources


Human resources is an increasingly data and technology-driven field. Recruiting now makes good use of machine intelligence, improving candidate search and diversity outcomes. Strategic HR requires smart, big data analytics. And employer branding is more and more driven by candidate and worker technology preferences: texting, social media and more. So this week I thought we’d look at HR and technology (as opposed to HR tech) and the intersection of human and not so human resources.

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Your Company Needs to Stop This Right Now

Evil HR Lady

Sainsbury’s , a company with 23.775 billion in revenue , just ran an advertisement, asking for an artist to work for free. It began: Sainsbury’s are looking for a creative and an ambitious artist to voluntarily refurbish our canteen. Gain particular experience in the creative industry whilst making our community a comfortable area for our employees to escape to.

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is it better to be interviewed first, last, or in the middle?

Ask a Manager

A reader writes: My husband was recently invited to interview for a position he applied for. He was told that they were conducting two sessions of five back-to-back 30-minute initial interviews. Since he was the first one they contacted, he was able to pick his time slot. In a situation like this, is there an any difference or advantage in picking the first slot, or the last?

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Coffee Break: Brand engagement, exit surveys and the fall of holocracy

HR Zone

Employees. Brand rep, exit surveys and the fall of holocracy.

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From Prevention to Survivorship: How HR Can Support Employees Facing Cancer Diagnoses

Explore the latest insights from the American Cancer Society's “Cancer Statistics 2024” report, which unveils multiple alarming trends in cancer data. Cancer is on the rise among young adults, and diagnoses for 6 of the 10 most common cancers are escalating. With over 2 million new cancer cases projected in the U.S. this year, employers face increased challenges when it comes to supporting employees.

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should you attach your cover letter or put it in the body of the email?

Ask a Manager

A reader writes: When applying to a job via email, do you attach your cover letter or do you paste it in the body of the email, or both? Either one is fine. No one really cares, seriously. I mean, people who hire may have individual preferences, but no one is going to penalize you over doing it in their less-preferred way. It’s like asking “should my hair have bangs when I go to an interview?

Hiring 50
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What You Need To Know About Becoming A Great Business Leader

Take It Personel-ly

Becoming a great business leader isn’t the easiest thing to do. Some people are born with the skills to be a great business leader, while others need to learn them first. Just because you aren’t a natural business leader doesn’t mean you can’t become one with a little time and practice. Here’s what you need […].

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open thread – May 20-21, 2016

Ask a Manager

It’s the Friday open thread! The comment section on this post is open for discussion with other readers on anything work-related that you want to talk about. If you want an answer from me, emailing me is still your best bet*, but this is a chance to talk to other readers. * If you submitted a question to me recently, please don’t repost it here, as it may be in the to-be-answered queue :).

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New release: snooze a candidate


‘Snooze a candidate’ enables you to use Workable as your talent CRM. What does that mean? It means that Workable will help you not just track and manage your candidates but it will also help you develop and maintain a relationship with candidates (which is known in marketing-speak as ‘Customer Relationship Management’). Here are some ways it can work with your existing hiring process: When to choose snooze. 1) When you’re candidate sourcing.

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Automate Your Onboarding Process In 7 Steps

Efficient employee onboarding is more than a warm welcome—it's a catalyst for business growth. Automated onboarding transforms new hires into productive team members faster, fostering long-term satisfaction and talent retention. For HR, automation means replacing inefficient manual processes with streamlined, cost-effective operations. Our eBook reveals how automating employee onboarding delivers these benefits, reducing HR challenges and elevating new employee readiness.