Fri.Dec 16, 2016

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M&A Friday! This Week’s HR Deals


Happy Friday. Each week, with the help of HRmarketer Insight software , our researchers compile a sampling of mergers & acquisition, funding and partnership announcements from the human resource, recruitment and employee benefits marketplace. Sign-up for our weekly What’s Hot in HR newsletter to get these weekly updates via email. FUNDING.

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The 10 Most Popular Articles Among Recruiters This Week

Linkedin Talent Blog

In case you need a stimulating read, here’s a great list for you. We took a look at the articles staffing and corporate recruiters shared, liked, and commented on the most on LinkedIn during the last 7 days and posted them below. Here are the top posts for this week: 1. 6 Ways to Screen Job Candidates for Strategic Thinking -- by Dr. john Sullivan. 2.


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5 Reasons NOT to Quit Your Job in 2017 - DecisionWise


5 Reasons NOT to Quit Your Job in 2017. Article by Tracy Maylett originally published on As I valiantly fought the annual Christmas lights battle again this year, detangling the matted mess of strings that were to be placed across the front of my house, it hit me (as it does every year): Why not just get rid of these lights and start over?

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Career Path Programs Retain Employees By Helping Them Move Up


There’s a common refrain in exit interviews — “I wanted a new challenge.” Are employees at your company saying it when they leave? And, an even better question — are you giving them opportunities to advance and develop? Hearing frustrations around how to get ahead in exit interviews is one reason Imgur built out a formal career path program.

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How to Conquer These 4 Top-of-Mind HR Challenges

It’s a never-ending tightrope act, trying to find the balance between creating benefits offerings that adapt to the uniqueness of your people, managing your own time and resources, and maintaining the organization’s bottom line. And the ever-changing policies and laws can make cultivating a competitive employee benefits strategy feel impossible. Whether you’re concerned about adapting to new pay transparency laws, managing global benefits packages, return-to-office mandates, or 401(k) and retire

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INFOGRAPHIC: The Three Lenses of the Employee Experience - DecisionWise


Infographic: The Three Lenses of the Employee Experience helps demonstrate how effective leaders look (and are willing to) go beyond their limited perspectives and see the Employee Experience with new eyes. Download the PDF version. Get the Book: The Employee Experience: How to Attract Talent, Retain Top Performers, and Drive Results. Share this Image On Your Site.

More Trending

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Be Nice to That One Follower

Laurie Ruettimann

There’s a meme going around. It looks like this: If you spend any time on the internet, we all have that one follower who likes and comments on everything. Without that follower, we’d have nobody. It’s why the meme doesn’t sit well with me. It seems condescending because that one fan probably doesn’t realize she’s your one fan.

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Technology Revolutionizing Workplace Wellness


Wellness in the workplace is a huge and growing trend these days. Makes sense, right? A healthier employee is a happier employee—and also a more productive one. That’s why employers are introducing wellness programs in droves, and at the same time turning to technology as a tool to monitor, promote, and reward their employees’ fitness achievements. Currently, 70 percent of U.S. employers offer a wellness program, an increase from 58 percent in 2008.

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Is Collecting the Data Taking Too Long? Here’s Help

TLNT: The Business of HR

While many aspirational HR leaders look to mature their strategies to include a variety of workforce and talent analytics , the majority of HR teams remain challenged with tactical and operational reporting requirements. Although a handful of showcase organizations have moved to one fully integrated enterprise suite, with HR, payroll, talent and financials all on a common platform, most are still dependent on a variety of disparate systems; this makes even ordinary reporting tasks a regular head

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The Dynamic Duo of Self-funding and Voluntary Benefits


Today, we live in an insurance marketplace defined by healthcare reform, double-digit rising healthcare costs, and plenty of “unknowns.” Given the changing landscape, many human resources professionals view their employer benefit plans as a challenging blend of cost containment strategies and employee retention. But there’s hope! Perhaps it’s time for a reintroduction, or introduction as the case may be, to a known entity and dynamic insurance duo: self-funding paired with voluntary benefits.

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Using an HSA to Save for Health Care in Retirement

Saving for retirement is no easy task, and as an employer we know you want to help your employees get what they need out of their retirement benefits. With a health savings account (HSA), you can relieve the burden of health care costs for both you and your employees. With our new report, “Using an HSA to Save for Health Care in Retirement,” you can get insights on the costs of a modern retirement and dive into the details of the triple-tax benefits HSAs offer.

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The More You Use Data, the Better the Business Performs

TLNT: The Business of HR

Since joining Visier, I’ve been thinking a lot about the value of workforce analytics. I came to this organization because in my prior life as a researcher, my core focus was HR technology adoption and the value organizations derive from it.

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4 Awesome Benefits for Prioritizing Work-Life Blending


By Lisa Sterling, Chief People Officer, Ceridian. Leaders have an overwhelming amount of responsibilities and accountabilities to focus on at any given time – with many of the biggest concerns centering on employee retention and engagement. Right now, there is an abundance of research highlighting the significant influence worker satisfaction levels can have on performance.

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Oh No! Not Another Lousy Logo Gift!

TLNT: The Business of HR

It’s usually HR’s job to come up with the annual employee gift. Most companies are lame and will do the exact same thing every year. If they don’t give a turkey on Thanksgiving, they’ll definitely give out turkeys at Christmas. If they did give a turkey at Thanksgiving, you’ll likely get a ham or a fruit cake for Christmas.

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Now Is the Time to Invest in HR Analytics


As the role of HR analytics to measure the success of their human resources function is growing, explore four ways that companies are investing in their analytics capabilities, and how it is positively impacting their bottom line.

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Maximizing Your Health Plan Design Using Data-Driven Insights

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Introducing Workology


Starting December 16, 2016, you might notice something different around here. Blogging4Jobs is now Workology. Celebrating Change and Introducing Workology Blogging4Jobs has been in existence since 2005. Originally created by me as a resource for job seekers, I created and aptly named the site one late Friday evening not really considering how this blog might […] Source.

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U.S. Workforce Desperate to Keep Sick Coworkers Away During Cold and Flu Season

HR Daily Advisor

Trying to avoid cold and flu in the workplace has reached desperate levels, as nearly half of people surveyed would give up a vacation day to a sick worker to ensure they don’t bring illness to the workplace, according to the seventh annual cold and flu season survey from Staples. Findings show that while the U.S. workforce is keenly aware of the dangers as well as prevention tactics surrounding seasonal illness, personal accountability remains low, with nearly 80% of employees still going to wo

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5 Ways to Make Your Leadership Ranks More Diverse


Tailored inclusion and retention strategies can lead to greater diversity in your organization’s leadership population.

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How REA Group nurtures a learning culture


One of REA Group’s values is ‘Inspire It’. “The whole idea of ‘Inspire It’ is bringing out the best in people. How can you motivate and inspire the people around you, not necessarily just the people who report to you, but your peers in the entire organization,” explains Barb Hyman, Executive General Manager of People and Culture at REA Group. The focus on developing people pays off, not only in higher employee engagement, but in the success of the organization.

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New DOL Final Overtime Rules: Quickstart Guide for Employers

There’s a new overtime salary threshold that will impact employers across the country. If you have an employee making less than $43,888 on July 1 or less than $58,656 on January 1, you’re going to have to start paying overtime. Download Paycor’s guide to learn: Which groups of employees are affected? How should you classify employees? Best ways to mitigate risk.

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Don’t forget to thank your employees


As the holidays approach, don’t forget to give thanks to your employees! For many of us, the workplace is a true extended family. Why this is important. When employees feel their employer cares about their well-being, they’re 38% more engaged. And a great way to show your employees that you care is to call out their great work. In fact, 78% of employees would work harder if they felt their efforts were better appreciated.

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Five for Friday: Interviewing candidates


It goes without saying - the interview is an essential step in the hiring proccess. It's a chance for both sides to meet, dig a little deeper for information and assess suitability. As an employer, you should know if the candidate is the right fit for the company by the end of this short meeting. This week's Five for Friday focuses on how to make the most of this face time and find out everything you need to know.

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Here’s the new I-9 you need to start using Jan. 22

HR Morning

If you haven’t grabbed the new Form I-9 yet, here’s what you need to know about it. . For starters, employers must start using the revised Form I-9 (dated 11/14/2016) by Jan. 22, 2017. Until then, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency is allowing employers to use the old Form I-9 (dated 03/08/2013) for a grace period, which ends Jan. 21, 2017.

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Woo boy! Y’all had some crazazy holiday parties!

The Employer Handbook

While I must admit that I laughed more than I cringed, my readers came through with some tales of holiday parties gone haywire. Here are some snippets: First job; quick job. “A young lady just out of college had only been with the company a few months when she became completely inebriated at the party and proceeded to do the following on the dance floor; very publicly and loudly break up with her fiancé and air all of their dirty laundry about his failings in the bedroom, grind up and down

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Modernizing Hiring: The Rise of Contingent Recruitment in 2024

The job market is changing fast, and to stay ahead, your hiring strategy needs to be flexible. With recent economic shifts, more companies are turning to contingent workers for their adaptability and cost savings. In fact, 32% of businesses are already prioritizing contingent over traditional full-time positions. Curious to learn more? In our new guide, you'll discover: The major benefits of incorporating contingent workers into your team.

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2016 – Was it all a dream (or a nightmare!)? - 10 things that impacted the world and workforce management in the UK

Allegis Global Solutions

From Brexit to Pokémon Go, what events have impacted workforce management the most in 2016?

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More Brokers Consider Partnering with PEOs


More Brokers Consider Partnering with PEOs As trusted advisors on "all things HCM," the best benefits brokers are having proactive conversations with.

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The power of the employer brand


CareerLabs by Fuel50 • for Leaders • Written by Anne Fulton, CEO & Founder of Fuel50 Purchase The Career Engagement Game here The Power of the Employer Brand What is the key. The post The power of the employer brand appeared first on FUEL50.

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all my 2016 book recommendations

Ask a Manager

All year long, I’ve made a weekly book recommendation when kicking off the weekend open thread. These aren’t work-related books; they’re just books I love and think everyone else should read. Sometimes they’re books that I’m in the middle of reading, and other times they’ve just long-standing favorites. Here’s the complete list of what I’ve recommended this year (maybe in time for holiday gift-shopping!).

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Individual Development Plan Template

There’s no way around it: sometimes employees need your help. Use this free template to clarify expectations, share resources, and set a timeline. Best case scenario, this process helps them improve. Worst case, your great recordkeeping keeps you compliant even if they move on. Download the template today!