Sat.Dec 29, 2018 - Fri.Jan 04, 2019

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Engage 2019: Get More Into Your Work to Get More Out of Your Work

David Zinger

Do you know how to fully engage with your work so that both you and others fully experience all the benefits of your labor? In 2019, I am devoted to helping educate others to get more into their work to get more out of their work. If you or your organization would like to learn more to fully engage please take the next moment to contact me:

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The Coming Year.

Everyday People

I remember gathering at a friend’s house in 1999 for New Year’s Eve. The party was very casual and the crowd was made up of several couples with many little kids running around. The excitement was high because as the ball was going to drop and become the year 2000 we wondered if Y2K was actually going to occur. There was some anxiety mixed with a ton of skepticism.


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How Quick Base Helps New Orleans 9-1-1 Save Lives


New Orleans is a busy and densely populated area that can swell to over a million people during big events like Mardi Gras and the Essence Music Festival. It has even hosted 10 Super Bowls over the years. Keeping the public safe is a 24×7 job with a lot of responsibility, and it begins long before a call comes in. In May of 2016, the city of New Orleans not only consolidated technology, training, and operations for its 9-1-1 call center but also brought Police, Fire, and EMS dispatch under

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Career Pathing Is Your Best Employee Retention Strategy


Think the war for talent is an overused term describing the challenges recruiters face to fill open requisitions? Think again. In the United States alone, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has consistently shown monthly job growth for years. Meanwhile, wage growth is starting to inch up, a trend that seems unlikely to stop given the rise in demand for skilled workers, making it more expensive for employers to fill open positions.

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Onboarding, Data, Experience: Critical Components in the Modern Hiring Environment

Read the full results of the study conducted by Lighthouse Research & Advisory in partnership with HiBob to discover how to transform your talent acquisition strategy by harnessing the power of data and integration.

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M&A Friday! This Week’s HR Deals and Trending #HotInHR News


Our weekly recap of fundings, mergers & acquisition, partnership and other interesting news from the human resource, recruitment and employee benefits marketplace. FUNDINGS. On-demand Staffing Firm Qwick Raises $1.3M in Funding. PEC Safety Receives Majority Investment from Thoma Bravo. M&A. DISYS Acquires Princeton Information, Furthering Dedication to Financial Services Industry.

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5 Business New Year’s Resolutions For Leaders And How To Actually Keep Them


I’m going to find a new hobby. I’m going to stick with the diet. I’m going to finally take my dream vacation. Sound familiar? These are all perfectly good examples of New Year’s resolutions so many of us tend to make in one form or another. All too often things start out strong, but the best laid plans seem to go by the wayside after a while as other priorities take over.

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Five HR Trends that Will Define 2019


In this competitive talent landscape, it’s vital to stay current on—or ahead of—the latest HR trends. In looking ahead to 2019, what can HR professionals expect to see? SEE ALSO: How to Effectively Change Performance Management. The Growth of People Analytics. The Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report found that 84% of executives consider people analytics to be a high priority for their organizations.

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10 Perspectives to Digest for 2019

The Aristocracy of HR

000000000000We are entering the last year of the 2010s. One year from 2020, a year painted as the poster child of human advancement and something of a sci-fi fantasy. From all I can tell, we haven’t exactly accelerated into a Jetson reality of flying cars, robot maids, and buildings in the clouds, but we do […].

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Seven Employee Engagement Resolutions in 2019


The research on engagement supports what most of us already know intuitively: employees are more engaged when employers value their contributions and communicate that value in specific, visible ways. Engagement matters because engaged employees are more productive workers. Companies with successful engagement strategies enjoy 33% higher profits and 51% lower turnover rates.

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Foundations of Diversity: Building an Inclusive Company From the Ground Up

Can you guess why top-tier companies place such a high emphasis on diversity? Because a successful business mirrors the world around it. Diverse companies create empowering environments and are 35% more likely to financially outperform their peers. This new guide offers strategic insights to build a vibrant, diverse, and innovative workforce. Learn to assess your current workforce, understand demographics, and identify barriers to inclusivity.

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Discovering Pez

The People Equation

What An Interactive Candy Teaches Us About Leadership and Coaching. Christmas time always provides many fun memories and this year was no exception. Santa left Pez dispensers in my kids’ stockings—for the first time. My daughter was very excited to try out her new Pez “toy”. With my background as a corporate trainer, I’m a big fan of “hands on” learning, so even though I knew my daughter had never operated a Pez dispenser, I had faith that she’d figure it out.

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Five Things You Need to Know About SOC2 Security Compliance


The average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million. With more and more companies relying on the cloud to store customer data, safeguards have been in put in place to protect this valuable data—and that’s where SOC 2 comes in. SEE ALSO: Managing a Multigenerational Workforce in the Age of The Millennial. What is SOC 2? SOC 2 is a security compliance requirement developed by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA).

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Why HR Should Push Their Employees to Travel


Travelling is one of the most refreshing and rejuvenating activities. It is no surprise that there are so many travelers that advocate traveling for educating and exploring your own self. Traveling is, no doubt, one of the most educating activities. Exploring new places, meeting new people and experiencing new things make you grow as a person, equipped with more skills and knowledge.

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7 Ways to Create an Unbeatable Employee Experience


What do your employees say about their experience with your company? Have you asked them lately? When you have a job opening, do you have top candidates reaching out to you for consideration? A Bersin survey finds that “Nearly 80 percent of executives rated employee experience very important (42 percent) or important (38 percent), but only 22 percent reported that their companies were excellent at building a differentiated employee experience.

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Creating a Company Culture of Care: Integrating Mental Health, Wellbeing, and DEI in Benefits

Speaker: Sean Raible

Picture a workplace where physiological safety is not just an aim but a reality, driven by thoughtful employee benefits that prioritize mental health, wellbeing, and DEI. 🤔 ✨ Achieving this vision requires more than just occasional training sessions and employee assistance programs. Moving beyond the basics, this vision calls for a holistic approach that integrates these elements into your company culture as well as your HR and benefits strategy.

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7 Toxic Employees Based on Game of Thrones Houses (And How to Deal with Them)


In the world of Westeros, chaos isn’t a pit – it’s a ladder. And for HR professionals tasked with corralling toxic employees, managing that ladder can seem all but impossible. Betrayal, manipulation, rivalries, and leadership changes can threaten to destroy a company culture and pit your star employees against one another. To help you deal with the Joffreys of your office, we’ve identified 7 toxic employee types based on Game of Thrones houses and crafted tips for dealing with each. 1.

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Top 10 Phone Interview Questions to Ask Job Candidates


Great phone interview questions will help you uncover the best candidates in less than 15 minutes. Discover which 10 phone interview questions you should be asking your job candidates to find out everything you need to make an informed decision and select the top candidates. Read More.

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4 Upgrades to Improve Your Company’s Culture


Small changes in policies and procedures can greatly enhance the corporate culture of an organization. As a business leader, the organizational culture that you foster will determine whether employees feel valued and satisfied with their careers. An effective corporate culture results in employees who are positively motivated, perform better and enjoy their job and work environment.

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Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses: Try These 4 Campaign Ideas


By this point, we’re all somewhat familiar with social media and the impact it can have for brands. No longer is social just a platform for tweens and millenials to follow their friends, but now an actual way to reach and connect with customers and prospects. Social media is a great way to have fun and represent the culture and human aspect of your brand.

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Performance Review Calibrations Made Easy

Every company aspires to be the best, and performance reviews are the cornerstone of that journey. However, discrepancies in how managers rate their teams can lead to unfairness.

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my office mate asks me 75 questions a day — literally

Ask a Manager

A reader writes: Due to renovations, I’ve been put in the same office as another employee. We work different jobs, but are technically peers in the company’s hierarchy. He is, frankly, driving me crazy. Every question that comes across his mind, he gets up and verbally asks me. Most of these are surprisingly basic questions. Some questions are work related.

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#WorkTrends: What Will Change at Work in 2019?


Happy New Year! I hope that your holidays provided you the recharge you needed to get 2019 off to a great start. It’s the “new” in “new year” that we’re talking about this week on #WorkTrends. We’re all wondering how 2019 is going to be different from 2018, and I’m not talking about the new coffee machine your boss has surprised you with. This week we speak with Marylene Delbourg-Delphis, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and […].

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How Gamification Can Help You Attract the Best Talent?


Wondering how gamification can help you attract the best talent ? Without any doubt, gamification is a new successful trend in the selection and hiring of staff. In this article, you will discover best practice examples of companies using gamification in recruitment and learn how you can do the same to leverage your hiring process in 2019. Read More.

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The do’s and don’ts of ADA accommodations: 3 new rulings

HR Morning

Employers are facing more disability discrimination lawsuits than ever – despite their best compliance efforts. . In the past year alone, over 25,000 ADA charges were filed by the EEOC. The right way to accommodate. One area that’s often a point of contention? The accommodation process. Workers and employers can have a very different idea of how a disability should be accommodated.

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Balancing Cost and Care: 3 Key Considerations for Cost Optimization in 2024

Discover essential strategies for employers to balance cost optimization with care. The top priorities for employers in 2024 are retaining talent, growing revenue and sales, and attracting talent. To achieve these goals, employers are turning towards comprehensive total rewards strategies informed by data-driven insights. Hear from industry experts on cost optimization strategies and how to leverage these approaches for a healthier workforce.

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Why Candidate Experience is More Important Now Than Ever


When it came to hiring, the employer used to have the upper hand. However, with unemployment at a record low, there are now more job openings than candidates to fill them. Employers feel pressure to offer the most enticing combination of compensation, benefits, and company culture to attract (and retain) top talent. As a result, the candidate experience is more important than ever.

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Dell and the Strategic Power of Global Mobility Management


It’s more important than ever that companies are able to move people around the world efficiently to match skills to business needs and to build dynamic leadership pipelines — but global workforce mobility represents a huge logistical challenge for even the largest and most agile companies. In a recent discussion with Dell, I got a glimpse into how the tech giant is harnessing technology to solve a range of key business challenges, including talent development. […].

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Big 3


Today's post is short and to the point. Transitioning to a new year means we sometimes think about making changes in our personal or professional lives. Let's cut to the chase. 1. Pick three things to work on this year (not resolutions.) 2. Write them down with deadlines to make progress throughout the year. 3. Start today. Stop with the self-talk noise.

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I’m uncomfortable with my coworkers’ names, crying when laying someone off, and more

Ask a Manager

It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…. 1. I’m uncomfortable with my coworkers’ names. I work in the healthcare industry which is very diverse and have had this issue in several jobs, which is coworkers having names I feel uncomfortable about saying. Some examples of these names are: Princess, Honey, Sir, King. I don’t feel comfortable calling a grown woman “Princess.” I feel bad because these people did not choose their names but it makes me feel so uncomfortable to refer to a c

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Discover the 4 Big Recruitment Challenges for 2024

It’s no secret that today’s hiring market is tough! The constant changes can make it seem impossible for HR leaders, hiring teams, and hiring managers to remain flexible and agile. However, there’s a silver lining amongst all the hiring chaos, as these changes also bring great opportunities and fresh ways for HR leaders to gain that competitive edge in the race for top talent.