May, 2014

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Fleming Europe - Gamification in HR

Strategic HCM

'On most topics in HR I''m pretty sure what I believe, and although I do sometimes shift on this slightly, my learning tends to be more about how I argue my position, and case studies, pro and con, etc. However there are a few other topics I find I touch a lot but don''t feel as confident in my perspectives. One of these areas is gamification. I know that some companies do find benefits from these approaches but I know there are a lot of nonsense being promoted too.

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Social Media and Job Hunting – 3 Tips for Success


If you’re considering a career change, social media can be a wonderful tool to help you find opportunities and introductions not easily available in your day-to-day life. At the same time, these tools can cut the other way, if not used properly. For example, if you think the picture above is a great way to show potential employers your “fun” or “interesting” side, think again.


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25 Sales Motivation Quotes for Your Sales Team


Not every day feels like a walk in the park for salespeople. Working hard and winning new customers feels incredible; but, when calls aren’t returned and end of quarter quotas seem out of reach, even the healthiest sales motivation can suffer. Am I just off my game? Why can’t I close a deal? That swaggering confidence can quickly turn into bad news for employee engagement, and nobody needs that!

Coaching 100
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Eli Lilly’s Specialized Approach to Employee Engagement


How do organizations create an atmosphere where people feel engaged and motivated? Ask anyone and they’ll tell you that there are many factors involved in creating an engaged workforce, but it usually requires a strategy that outlines specific targets and processes around company goals and objectives, career planning, employee feedback, and recognition. .

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New Report from 3,500+ Employers Confirms Retention is a Top HR Priority in 2024

The first report from Gallagher’s 2024 US Workforce Trends Report Series, includes data from 3,500+ employers who participated in the 2024 US Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey. The report provides benchmarks for benefits, HR and people strategies to help organizations thrive. Organizations continue to rank retention as the top priority for HR, and second highest for operations.

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New #SHRM Certification Raises More Questions Than It Answers (Update X 2)

True Faith HR

'The big news from SHRM HQ on Monday was the announcement of the creation of a new certification program for HR professionals. While the SHRM online staff discuss the details of the competency program, it was unfortunately very short on details regarding a whole host of questions. What happens to current professionals who hold PHR/SPHR/GPHR certification?

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Line of Fire


'I remember the first time I realized that not everyone was excited about moving into leadership. I was a very green young manager and my hospital had a number of management vacancies. I couldn''t believe that we didn''t have any internal applicants. In fact, it would be safe to say I was stunned! How could this be? No one wanted a " great " management job?

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Bad Resumes Are Like Celebrity Train Wrecks


I admit that it is a guilty pleasure of mine to read celebrity gossip articles and websites. It’s humorous, mindless trash but I read it anyway, similar to a train wreck…you just can’t help but watch and see what happens next. In the past week alone, we learned that Beyonce’s sister has rage issues and Angelina Jolie had a makeup faux pas on the red carpet.

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ProQuest Case Study: Using the Oscillation Principle for Software Development

Conversation Matters

'ProQuest is an information company that connects people with vetted, reliable information, from dissertations to governmental and cultural archives to news. The company began in Michigan with the invention of microfilm in the 1930s and over time its role has become essential to libraries, universities, research centers and other organizations whose mission depends on the delivery of complete, trustworthy information.

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Disengagement is Contagious; Here’s Your Prescription


Are your managers experiencing low engagement levels? Has it been a while since management has recognized their teams? Is your manager’s team completely unaware of the corporate objectives? When your workforce is exhibiting low engagement levels, HR professionals must look to managers. Because managers oversee teams of your employees, their attitudes tend to have a ripple effect on the organization.

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The Intelligent Automation Guide For Human Resources

Achieving your HR goals for 2024 requires strategic focus and efficiency. But your team is overwhelmed and in the worst cases, burned out. Our eBook explores how process automation can streamline administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity, allowing your HR team to put their energy into higher value activities. Address key challenges such as: Limited resources Departmental silos Employee burnout Learn about the real benefits of advanced automation tools as well

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Stillbirth, #ReturnToZero, & Bereavement Leave

True Faith HR

'One of the most challenging and difficult experiences any one must confront is the loss of a child through stillbirth. The hopes and aspirations that you and spouse had are dashed. And, the emotional devastation that follows can be difficult to handle. Individuals want to be supportive, but few do not know how to react and know the right words to say.

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Mobile Employee Engagement: Meet Like You Mean It

David Zinger

'Create Engaging Mobile Meetings. (Reading time = 1 minute 51 seconds). Wayne Turmel is a master of mobile meetings and his 100 page book imparts his wisdom to you to help you ensure mobile meeting success. I appreciate his concrete tips and actions and how by applying what he offers you will create a more engaging mobile experience. He offers a guide to increasing your comfort, confidence, and competence in creating painless and productive virtual meetings.

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One Simple Secret for Boosting Employee Satisfaction with Benefits

CheckPoint HR

'As an employer, you offer your employees what you think is a robust and generous benefits package. But your employees.disagree. H ow do you make your employees more satisfied with the benefits you''re offering? The secret of employers who have employees raving about their benefits is simple: choice.

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How Do I Get More Applicants?


We hear this “how do I get more applicants?” question, or something similar, often. The problem with answering this question is the variety of answers we could produce. This question is in reference to a symptom and not a problem. We first must identify what the problem is – WHY are you not getting applicants? This question can still produce a wide array of answers.

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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Managers: Want To Increase Employee Engagement? Model the Right Behavior.


'Managers often feel responsible for telling employees what’s expected of them in their day-to-day work and how they interact with teammates. It comes with the territory, managers reason. It’s part of my job. While that’s true to a degree (during onboarding and performance reviews, for example), there’s a better way to drive desired employee performance.

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Navigating the Workplace Wonderland: Three Ways to Leverage Millennials’ Drive to Succeed


The graduating Class of 2014 is entering the workforce this spring, and, as a group, they are extremely motivated and excited. They want to learn. They want to move up quickly. They want to achieve things and show results. Picture Alice from Alice in Wonderland, when she comes to a fork in the road and asks the Cheshire Cat: `Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?

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Nine Things NOT To Do at #SHRM14

True Faith HR

'In less than a month, individuals will be heading to Orlando to attend the 2014 SHRM Annual Conference. This will be my 14th SHRM Annual Conference, and, based on my years of experience, here are the things you do NOT want to do while attending. 1. Do NOT suffer from SWAG remorse. The exhibit hall is going to open at 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 22 and you going to be tempted by every vendor with some sort of gee-gaw or doo-dad that you absolutely have to bring back to the office.

ATS 100
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Employee Engagement: 3 Lessons from Newfoundland Icebergs

David Zinger

'Encountering and engaging with icebergs. (Reading time = 1 minute, 10 seconds). I came to Newfoundland to do a session on employee engagement for Memorial University. My wife and I decided to stay for 20 days travelling around the province. This province is a Canadian gem. It is iceberg season and I have enjoyed driving along the coast and spotting them and especially enjoyed taking a boat out and circling a large one south of St John’s.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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Obstacles and Courage


'"Obstacles are things a person sees when they take their eyes off the goal." - E. Joseph Cossman I like to convince myself that I''m a " big picture " leader. Focusing on the impact different ideas, opportunities and problems have on my whole organization instead of just my piece of it however, is difficult. As it turns out, thinking strategically and acting strategically are two very different things.

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So You’ve Graduated And Need A Job – Now What?


The month of August seems to bring new life, and especially after our seemingly endless Permafrost due to the Polar Vortex, new life is beyond welcome. The month of May also brings a new round of college graduates ready to bring new life to the workforce after years of educational development and preparation. If you’ve graduated recently, this blog is for you!

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Compensation Reigns as the King of Job Satisfaction


'According to a new SHRM research report, Job Satisfaction and Engagement: The Road to Economic Recovery , employees are citing pay as the top contributor to their overall job satisfaction. The report flies in the face of a body of research that claims compensation isn’t a significant contributor to job satisfaction. SHRM says that 60 percent of surveyed employees rated compensation/pay as “very important,” while another 36 percent rated it “important.

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Don’t have ACE FOMO (Fear of Missing Out!) 5 Reasons to Attend


Registration is now open for the 5th Achievers Customer Experience (ACE) taking place this September 9-10th in Toronto. Here are five reasons why you do not want to miss the employee success event of the year–and how to avoid ACE FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)! Five reasons to attend: Epic keynotes that will engage and inspire you. Sneak peak of our latest release and the best Employee Success Platform™.

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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3 Features to Look for in a Private Insurance Exchange

CheckPoint HR

'Moving to a private exchange is a major benefits trend for employers this year - and it''s a trend that will remain attractive to 2015, 2016, and beyond. Offering benefits through a private exchange or benefits marketplace can move employers toward a predictable financial model and help employees understand the true costs of their benefits.

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2. Employee Engagement: Creating Iatrogenic Disengagement – Creepy Interventions

David Zinger

'Don’t be creepy if you want to create fuller employee engagement. (Reading time = 58 seconds). This is the second post in a series on iatrogenic disengagement. Iatrogenic disengagement occurs when our efforts at employee engagement fail and cause disengagement. Read the first post here. Creepy employee engagement approaches occur when they are inauthentic or manipulative.

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#GamifyHR - Gamification in HR

Strategic HCM

'I''m at Fleming Europe''s Gamification in HR Summit in Paris. I''m here as someone who is interested in the agenda but hasn''t yet made up my mind about the extent of benefits for most companies, so I''m hoping the next three days will help me make my mind up. Our first session is from Mario Herger who defines gamification of design elements in non-game contexts to solve problems, change behaviours and engage, teach, measure and entertain audiences: Engage - eg fill in timesheet faster - eg sad

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Free Will Sacrifice


'I spend a lot of time thinking about leadership, and more specifically what it takes to be an effective leader. So much is written about this topic ( including this blog ) that it almost seems impossible to read it all, process it in a timely way, and execute the approaches that make the most sense to us in our professional lives. We have so many options to consider, perhaps we are over-thinking the core concepts of leadership; and in so doing, we''re missing opportunities to achieve our primar

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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Diary of a Deployment: Workday Financial Management at Shelter Insurance


'Late last year, Shelter Insurance Companies selected Workday to move our finance operations off legacy technology and into the cloud. We are nearly halfway through and expect to have Workday Financial Management fully deployed in September. Workday invited me to contribute to the Workday Blog, and I’ve taken them up on the opportunity to share our experience with others.

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[SlideShare] Tomorrow’s Leaders Just Graduated: Five Reasons Why You’ll Hire Them


Motivated and driven, 60 percent of young graduates will apply directly to the company when searching for jobs. You’re not just going to hire them. You’re going to fight for them in a war for talent. Check out the following SlideShare presentation to get an edge on the impending war for talent and learn quick tips you can implement today to engage your current workforce, while simultaneously creating an appealing culture for the Class of 2014.

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10 Private Exchange Features Important to Employers Like You [Stats]

CheckPoint HR

'A recent study by the Private Exchange Evaluation Collaborative (PEEC) found that 45% of employers have implemented or plan to consider a private exchange for active, full-time employees before 2018. As the private exchange landscape develops, it''s these employers who dictate the features that are critical to private exchange selection.