Sat.Aug 10, 2013 - Fri.Aug 16, 2013

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5 Reasons Why Companies Need Human Resources


I was talking with a friend yesterday who does “life coaching,” and she asked a great question … “Why do you like your job so much?” My answer was simple…ExactHire is a small company so everyone here has to wear many different “hats” and no day is ever the same. We have fun together and work as a team! The more I thought about it, I was struck by the ironic fact that we work in the Human Resources (HR) industry but don’t have a specific Human Resources department or even

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21 Contemporary Employee Engagement Tools and Concepts

David Zinger

'I recently wrote a post that was very popular on 19 antiquated employee engagement tools and concepts. It is always easier to attack, criticize, or rip apart than to offer suggestions and useful tools. So this post offers 21 contemporary employee engagement tools and concepts than can make a difference in employee engagement in 2013 and beyond. The image below is the pyramid model of employee engagement (Click on the image to download a document outlining a model demonstrating that employee eng


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Generation Hexed


'"She''s been here forever. I thought she was going to retire soon. We can''t count on her to come up with any innovative ideas.we''ll need to look outside the company for help on this project." "We better make sure we don''t hire too many millennials onto this team. Everybody knows they never put in extra''s all about them." "I wish the baby boomers would just get over themselves.

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Why You Need to Diversify Your Networking Circles

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . Are you making one of the most common networking mistakes? . On a call the other day, a long-time client shared with me his criteria for accepting requests to connect on LinkedIn. Like most people I know, when he receives a request, he checks the person''s profile to see if they are in his industry and/or occupation. If they are, then he accepts the request.

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6 Strategies to Navigate Social Determinants of Health for a Better Workplace

In today’s dynamic work landscape, where the lines between personal and professional life blur, understanding the intricate interplay between social determinants of health (SDoH) and emotional wellbeing is paramount. Employers must acknowledge that the whole person comes to work and every aspect of a person’s personal and professional life, especially their mental health, comes with them.

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The Datafication of HR: What Does it Mean to You?

Bersin with Deloitte

A new buzzword has hit the business world: Datafication – turning an existing business into a "data business." Think about it this way: Facebook has "datafied" our friend network. Google has "datafied" our search and information retrieval. Twitter is "datafying" news and real time information. Waze is "datafying" our driving.

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Piece by Piece: Performance Reviews Amid the Changing Nature of Manufacturing


'The recent economic recession and the always-competitive pressures in global manufacturing continue to push companies to pay closer attention to the evolving nature of performance and the practices and benchmarks they use to assess and measure performance. This isn’t a simple case of implementing a standard performance review, though. Manufacturing, by its very nature, has specific challenges and considerations when going through the performance review process. · Smarter manufacturing systems c

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3 Steps For Winning the Battle with Your Inner Critic

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . Am I the only one who has regular battles with her inner critic? . Sunday was not a good day for me. As I was working on some things for the virtual retreats , I got into playing the comparison game , questioning the value of what I''m doing, how I''m doing it, and so forth. . This happens to all of us, of course. We get down on ourselves, down on our work, down on life.

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Recruiting software: why companies buy applicant tracking systems


Why do companies eventually decide to buy recruiting software or applicant tracking systems to help them recruit employees for open positions? To answer that question at Software Advice, where we review recruiting software , we have compiled data collected after speaking to thousands of companies thinking about purchasing new applicant tracking systems.

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Elysium: Even 140 years in the future, there is bad #HR

True Faith HR

'Note: Minor spoilers about the movie "Elysium" are revealed below, though there is nothing that isn''t already revealed in the trailer above. As the trailer above indicated, "Elysium" takes place over 140 years in the future in 2154. The 1% live on a space station orbiting earth where there is no war, no crime, and health care eliminates all illness.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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HR's Role in Closing the "Capability Gap"

Cielo HR Leader

Organizations could be in store for more challenges as they work to navigate an uncertain economy, rapid and shifting globalization including “re-shoring,” and continued technological progress. In the midst of all of this change, it is more important than ever that business leaders drive growth and continuous innovation. To maintain a competitive edge, organizations must adapt and respond to volatile markets, increasing customer demand for customization, and emerging economic challenges.

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Join Me On the Edge (of Greatness!)

The Bamboo Project Blog

'D o you want to start a business or organization? Have you always wanted to write a book, hike the Appalachian Trail, get your pilot’s license or start an alpaca farm? What are you waiting for? Women on the Edge (of Greatness!) is a series of inspirational and practical online workshops, keynotes and other sessions designed to help you get started on your dream.

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What If The Glass Ceiling Isn’t What We Think It Is?

Inpower Coaching

What is the glass ceiling these days? The traditional view is that the glass ceiling is the white male’s comfy, old boy culture at the top that is threatened by the entrance of women into their private enclaves. In these secret nooks and crannies of corporate culture, it’s thought, leadership culture is one of alpha-dogmanship, cutthroat competition and kingmaking where women simply don’t fit.

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How to Spend More Time on Your HR Strategy


Jump into a time machine set to 1982, and you’ll find “personnel” departments full of forms and paper. Today, it’s “Human Resources,” and it’s less about pushing paper and more about optimizing a company’s most precious resource – its people — to affect company profits. Why the change? First, company owners and managers began to realize that people are one of their most important (and sometimes most expensive) resources.

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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How to Improve Your Ability to Define Project Tasks


To manage a successful project, make sure you have all your project tasks identified with enough detail to make them trackable, but not so much that you get lost.

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Career Resilience at a Glance

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . I''m working on my Career Resilience Guidebook and wanted to get the c ore resilience model onto one page. This is what I came up with. . Does it make sense? Is it too complicated? Too simple? . Your thoughts welcome!

ATS 71
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The Cost of Failed Sales Managers: $4 Million


'The costs go beyond salary, benefits and recruiting; team engagement and performance take a hit when their sales leaders fail.

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We Know More Than We Can Say: The Paradox of Tacit Knowledge - Part One

Conversation Matters

'“We know more than we can say” is a popular phrase heard at KM conferences and quoted in the many KM blogs. It is quoted to encourage attending to tacit knowledge, rather than exclusively focusing on explicit knowledge. But those quoting the phrase seldom go beyond referencing it to Polanyi , providing little explanation or reasoning for why, if we know it, we can’t just write it down. .

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The Rules Do Apply: Navigating HR Compliance

Speaker: Ann Meyers Piccirillo

HR Compliance is like a giant game of whack-a-mole. Once you think your company is compliant with all policies and procedures documented and in place, there’s a new or amended law, regulation, or final rule that pops up landing you back at ‘start.’ There are shifts, interpretations, and balancing acts to understanding compliance changes. Keeping up is not easy and it’s very time consuming.

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"I Don't Have Time for That!"

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . Do you make time for what''s most important? . As I write this, it''s almost 9 p.m. Except for a break to work out, take a shower and run some errands, I''ve been at my desk since 6:30 a.m. . I have a ton of work to do on my upcoming retreats and to prepare for several presentations I need to record for some clients. The clock is ticking and I''m freaking out a little about all that needs to get done, knowing that there are only so many hours in the day. .

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Feedback Wanted!

The Bamboo Project Blog

' . Creating content and services that are the most important and relevant to you is my number one priority. I have my own ideas about what you may want and need, but honestly, how do I really know if I don''t ask the questions?! So, two things. . 1. Complete the Survey. As we work to evolve and grow The Bamboo Project and our services/offerings, it would really help me if you''d take a few minutes to complete this survey and give me your feedback on what you''re looking for in terms of career a

Survey 67
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The Cost of Failed Sales Managers: $4 Million


The costs go beyond salary, benefits and recruiting; team engagement and performance take a hit when their sales leaders fail.