Thu.Jun 30, 2022

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How to Stop Micromanaging


Micromanaging is when a leader spends too much time managing their team too closely. This type of behavior can decrease job satisfaction and increase stress, making your employees more likely to leave the company. If you’re used to micromanaging to make sure your employees perform well, it can be hard to stop. Here are some ways to put a stop to your micromanaging behaviors: .

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How ClearCompany’s Recruiting Team is Built to Achieve Hiring Success

ClearCompany HRM

In today’s post, we interviewed ClearCompany’s Director of Talent Acquisition, Brian Abraham. With 20 years of experience recruiting for high-growth technology companies spanning corporate, agency, and services consulting, Abraham is passionate about connecting A-level talent with pivotal and engaging career opportunities. Within his previous roles before joining ClearCompany, Brian was tasked with developing and executing transformative talent growth strategies in the nation’s top tech hubs and


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Georgia Law Will Reclassify More Independent Contractors as Employees

SHRM Resources

A new law in Georgia is likely to reclassify many independent contractors as employees and trigger a host of liabilities and obligations for Georgia employers.

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How to create a proud culture of belonging: Pride Month wrap-up


We may be wrapping up what was a busy World Pride Month at Achievers, but we will continue to celebrate and uphold its values of inclusivity, diversity, and belonging throughout the year, and always. The Achievers Employee Experience Platform is designed to recognize and appreciate individuals, while fostering inclusive workforces. We proudly help clients create cultures of belonging, whether it is the way we connect with clients to uplift their employees, or through our Achievers Employee Resou

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New Report from 3,500+ Employers Confirms Retention is a Top HR Priority in 2024

The first report from Gallagher’s 2024 US Workforce Trends Report Series, includes data from 3,500+ employers who participated in the 2024 US Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey. The report provides benchmarks for benefits, HR and people strategies to help organizations thrive. Organizations continue to rank retention as the top priority for HR, and second highest for operations.

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How to Measure DEI in Your Engagement Survey


Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Time: 1:00pm Eastern / 10:00 am Pacific. Presenters: Christian Nielson, Chief Revenue Officer, DecisionWise; Dave Long, Chief Operating Officer, DecisionWise. Cost: Free. Care for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is critical for any modern organization. But how do you best measure the current state of DEI and surface opportunities for improvement?

Survey 130

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Webinar: How to Measure DEI in Your Engagement Survey


Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Time: 1:00pm Eastern / 10:00 am Pacific. Presenters: Christian Nielson, Chief Revenue Officer, DecisionWise; Matthew Wride, President, DecisionWise. Cost: Free. Care for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is critical for any modern organization. But how do you best measure the current state of DEI and surface opportunities for improvement?

Survey 130
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How people-first cultures and HR tech support business resilience


Businesses around the world spent the last two years navigating the challenges of hypergrowth alongside a skills shortage. Today, signs are pointing to the possibility of a market slowdown and even more unpredictable changes and challenges ahead. It’s not easy to find the right people with the right skill sets, experience, and culture fit to grow the business.

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A Complete Guide to eSignature Validation


Today, e-Signatures have transformed the way we conduct business. Gone are those days when we waited for weeks to receive the signed documents and watching the never-ending piles of paper files on the desk. Now, the technology has become a new norm. So, it is critical to understand the difference between electronic signatures and copy/pasting an image of the signature into the PDF file.

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How Much Does Cannabis Business Insurance Cost?


One of the biggest catch-22’s of the cannabis industry is that in order to get investors for your business you need to have cannabis business insurance. So, as a cannabis entrepreneur , you either end up paying through the nose for expensive policies (requiring more funding) or buying only as much insurance as you can afford and hoping for the best (bad idea).

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The Intelligent Automation Guide For Human Resources

Achieving your HR goals for 2024 requires strategic focus and efficiency. But your team is overwhelmed and in the worst cases, burned out. Our eBook explores how process automation can streamline administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity, allowing your HR team to put their energy into higher value activities. Address key challenges such as: Limited resources Departmental silos Employee burnout Learn about the real benefits of advanced automation tools as well

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my coworkers are asking if my pregnancy was planned

Ask a Manager

This post, my coworkers are asking if my pregnancy was planned , was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager. A reader writes: I’m a 23-year-old woman. I work as a teacher, but I have a second job that I work two or three nights a week. It’s a food service job, where most of the staff are 20-25-year-old women. I am 12 weeks pregnant. I told my boss at the restaurant a few weeks ago because my symptoms were really impacting the quality of my work.

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14 Strategies To Reduce Employee Turnover


How can leaders in an organization help HR professionals reduce employee turnover? To help leaders best support HR and reduce employee turnover, we asked business leaders and HR professionals this question for their best advice. From scheduling regular meetings to humanizing your hiring process, there are several strategies that help leaders and HR professionals work together to reduce employee turnover in their organizations.

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New Google Tool Helps Job Seekers Prepare for Interviews

SHRM Resources

Google recently launched an artificial intelligence-powered preparation tool that will assist job seekers with the only tried-and-true method for getting better at interviewing for a job—practice.

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I’m Hesitant to Ask, But…

Robin Schooling

Over my years as an HR practitioner, in a fair number of organizations, I had employees stroll into the HR Department and start a conversation with “I’m not sure if you can get this for me, but…”. This phrase, or some variation, has often been the preface to a request for a piece of equipment or some business item necessary for the adequate performance of everyday tasks and duties: A chair without a broken leg.

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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Burnout in Upper Management: Where’s The Exist, Ask C-Suite Executives

HR Digest

The pandemic appears to have taken a toll on everyone – from the average worker to the overpaid CEO. A Deloitte poll indicated that burnout is high in upper management as over 70% of C-suite respondents admitted that they will quit their current job for one that focuses on well-being. According to a monthly tracker conducted by executive outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, in December 2021, 106 CEOs left their posts.

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The Great Resignation, Stalled


Not long ago—like last month—job hunters seemed to have all the leverage. Nationwide, there were nearly two open jobs for every unemployed person. In some markets the ratio was closer to 3:1. But interest-rate hikes, a significant stock market decline, and the growing possibility of a recession—according to a slew of economists and corporate leaders—have dented the confidence of many would-be job seekers.

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8 Benefits of Having a Staff Engagement Survey


Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company or an indie startup, your company will fail to thrive unless you have tenacious, passionate, and engaged team members. Engaged employees produce higher-quality output, are more loyal and productive, and are more likely to stay with the organisation for longer. And yet, an overwhelming number of people still feel disengaged at work.

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The Inevitable Great Resignation


The LinkedIn network is run amuck with people posting new career adventures. I had questioned whether the Great Resignation was a theme more than a reality. I also questioned if mass professional exodus was a sign of disengagement or simply a trend to bolster individual empowerment. Make no mistake about it, the Great Resignation is here. There are a few distinct things that drive people from their job: 1.

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How to Conquer These 4 Top-of-Mind HR Challenges

It’s a never-ending tightrope act, trying to find the balance between creating benefits offerings that adapt to the uniqueness of your people, managing your own time and resources, and maintaining the organization’s bottom line. And the ever-changing policies and laws can make cultivating a competitive employee benefits strategy feel impossible. Whether you’re concerned about adapting to new pay transparency laws, managing global benefits packages, return-to-office mandates, or 401(k) and retire

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19 Best Beyonce Quotes to Remind You of Your Power and Strength

The Muse

Here’s some wisdom from Queen Bey herself that you can use to guide your career, boost your confidence, and maintain a work-life balance.

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Why women need more mentors in the workplace


Mentors in the workplace are extremely important for employee development, but especially so for women and minorities. Learn how you can better support women in your workplace with mentorship opportunities. Although progress continues to be made to close the gender gap in the workplace, there’s still much work to be done. In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted women in the workplace more than their male counterparts.

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Candidate Experience: What It Is and 9 Ways to Improve It


Jump to section. What is meant by candidate experience? What a positive candidate experience looks like. Why is the candidate experience important? How do you measure candidate experience? 4 tools to help build a positive candidate experience.

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Don’t play poker: Be transparent with job seekers

TLNT: The Business of HR

The more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that the hiring process is more like a poker game than a grown-up conversation. It’s all there: Employers and candidates keep their cards close to their chests; everyone’s being careful to not reveal too much about their actual expectations or limitations; people are guarded for fear of raising a red flag.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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Improving Employee Experience with an Effective Time Management Strategy

Workforce Software

Leading organizations know that their employees are their most important asset. Workforce management solutions can significantly improve employee engagement in the face of accelerating change and growing compliance requirements.

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Promoting Connection

HR C-Suite

Promoting connection is likely not part of your organization’s mission statement, but much research has proven that your organization would benefit if connection was an integral part of your culture. According to a recent study by Blueboard, 95% of HR Leaders agreed that human connection in the workplace is critical for talent attraction and talent retention.

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New State Court Rules May Pose Challenges for Background Screening


Recent developments in Michigan and California may be a sign of a larger, nationwide (and global ) shift toward increased protection of personal data. This can help shield individual members of the public from undue invasions of privacy, however background checks are likely to become more complicated, time-consuming, and well beyond the capacity of most employers.

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update: my boss will not physically acknowledge me in social settings

Ask a Manager

This post, update: my boss will not physically acknowledge me in social settings , was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager. Remember the letter-writer whose boss would not physically acknowledge her in social settings ? Here’s the update. Thank you for answering my question! It was so helpful and validating to know that yes, this was bizarre, as well as encouraging me to broach it with my boss.

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Maximizing Your Health Plan Design Using Data-Driven Insights

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20+ States That Protect Abortion Rights—and Open Jobs in Each

The Muse

With Roe overturned, job seekers and employees who want to consider abortion rights when deciding where to live and work can look to these states (plus DC).

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Episode 358: Thinking Like a Business Leader to Drive Success With Sung Hae Kim, Fractional Chief People Officer


For me, I think the key difference is that I am less emotional about my work because there’s it’s not a longer, long-term commitment and you’ve got more than one company. Workology is the art and science of work, HR and recruitment. Join the resource revolution. For me, I think the key difference is that I am less emotional about my work because there’s it’s not a longer, long-term commitment and you’ve got more than one company you’re supporting.

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Lagging Technology Encourages 25% of Workers to Quit | HCM Technology Report

Workforce Software

Research from WorkForce Software shows how employers can retain their workers by prioritizing employee experience in addition to maximizing employee productivity when selecting new software tools.

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