Sat.Jul 01, 2017 - Fri.Jul 07, 2017

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Spark Hire CEO Josh Tolan on NewVector IT Staffing Podcast

Spark Hire

In this episode of the NewVector IT Staffing Podcast, Maurice Fuller interviews Spark Hire CEO, Josh Tolan, about how staffing firms are leveraging video interviews in their recruitment process. Maurice is the Founder and President of NewVector Group which offers training and professional development services for IT and engineering staffing firms. Learn more about NewVector Group or check out more episodes of the podcast here.

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M&A Friday! This Week’s HR Deals


Happy Friday. Our weekly recap of funding, mergers & acquisition, and partnership news from the human resource, recruitment and employee benefits marketplace is below. Sign-up for our weekly Hot in HR newsletter to get these updates via email. FUNDING. Headspace Raises $37 Million to Expand Corporate Partnerships, Create More Content, and Go International.


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5 Things Employees Value More than Salary


What’s important to employees? As it turns out, salary has little to do with employee happiness. “Money isn’t the driver of job satisfaction,” says Shawna Clark, founder and executive coach at Clark Executive Coaching. Clark, who has over 20 years of experience working in human resources, says that employees value other things – things that drive employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.

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Predictive Analytics Trends in Human Resource Management


From crystal balls to Nostradamus we love to hear what the future has in store for us – as an individual or as a mankind. Everyone hates surprises if it does not come with the word ‘party’ or ‘gift’……. I’m sure businesses hate surprises too especially the nasty ones. Let’s consider a scenario. You are at the crossroads of your life. You have to make certain choices that have a lasting impact on your life, like marriage.

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New Report from 3,500+ Employers Confirms Retention is a Top HR Priority in 2024

The first report from Gallagher’s 2024 US Workforce Trends Report Series, includes data from 3,500+ employers who participated in the 2024 US Benefits Strategy & Benchmarking Survey. The report provides benchmarks for benefits, HR and people strategies to help organizations thrive. Organizations continue to rank retention as the top priority for HR, and second highest for operations.

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Employee Engagement: The Best Time To Do It Was 20 Years Ago

HR Bartender

Mr. Bartender mentioned what is believed to be an old Chinese Proverb the other day. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” It reminded me that the same philosophy applies to employee engagement. The ideal time to deal with engagement was decades ago. Developing organizational culture takes time. Training managers takes time.

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Why Millennials Want More Feedback, More Often


Everyone needs feedback. Constructive feedback helps people change course and reach their goals, and recognition affirms good behaviors. Companies that institute effective feedback are more likely to help their employees, and their bottom lines, grow. There are many articles being passed around saying millennials need more feedback, especially as companies scramble to change their work culture and benefits package to drive retention and acquisition of the generation.

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The 10 Most Popular Articles Among Recruiters This Week

Linkedin Talent Blog

In case you need a stimulating read, here’s a great list for you. We took a look at the articles staffing and corporate recruiters shared, liked, and commented on the most on LinkedIn during the last 7 days and posted them below. Here are the top posts for this week: 1. Looking for a New Job but Don't Want Your Boss to Find Out? LinkedIn's Got a Secret Feature for That -- by Melanie Curtin. 2.

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Your Employees Are the Company’s Secret Weapon – Friday Distraction

HR Bartender

I know sometimes it sounds like a broken record to talk about employee engagement. Truth is, for all of the conversation, it doesn’t appear that organizations are moving the needle. Gallup has been tracking employee engagement since 2000 and, for the most part, the numbers have stayed pretty consistent. Less than one-third of employees are engaged in their work.

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Here’s What You Need to Know About the Psychology of Employee Motivation

Cornerstone On Demand

This article was originally published under Jeff Miller’s column “The Science of Workplace Motivation” on Almost everything we do (or don't do, for that matter) at work can be traced back to motivation : It's the reason some employees are engaged , others are disenchanted and still others are actively looking to leave. It's the reason some of us love going to work, and the reason some of us hate it.

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The Intelligent Automation Guide For Human Resources

Achieving your HR goals for 2024 requires strategic focus and efficiency. But your team is overwhelmed and in the worst cases, burned out. Our eBook explores how process automation can streamline administrative tasks, enhance collaboration, and improve overall productivity, allowing your HR team to put their energy into higher value activities. Address key challenges such as: Limited resources Departmental silos Employee burnout Learn about the real benefits of advanced automation tools as well

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Five Companies Doing Summer Perks Right


Depending on where in the country you live, the summer months are either a reward for suffering through below zero temps and blizzards all winter (ahem, Chicago) or a brief punishment of 120-degree days for having beautiful, mild weather the other nine months of the year (we’re looking at you, Phoenix). No matter where you call home, summer is a popular time for employers to offer unique perks.

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Is Perfection Holding You Back?


Having goals can be an important component of growth and success. However, when we strive towards perfection and ignore balance, we may be limiting our progress.Perfectionism can be more of a hindrance than an aid when it comes to overcoming challenges. Respected educator and positive psychology expert Tal Ben-Shahar suggests that by shifting mentality from perfectionism to optimalism we can be more flexible, resilient and effective in the pursuit of our goals.

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A Senior Management Change Can Interrupt Company Culture

HR Bartender

A key theme during this year’s Great Place to Work Conference was developing talent. Are organizations asking their managers the question, “What are you doing to develop talent? And specifically, your replacement?”. You know I’ve always felt the primary role of a manager is to hire and train their replacement. It goes without saying that a big interrupter can occur in company culture when there’s a change in management.

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How Recruiters Can Embrace the Pace of Innovation

Cornerstone On Demand

Maybe Franz Kafka had it right: “In a fight between you and the world, bet on the world." The accelerating pace of innovation has humbled nearly everyone, even the experts. Just a few weeks ago this headline caught my attention: " J.Crew's Mickey Drexler Confesses: I Underestimated How Tech Would Upend Retail." You might not recognize the name, but Drexler is a legend in the retail industry.

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How HR Can Create a Culture of Feedback

Employees want meaningful feedback. Without it, 98% disengage from their work (Zippia). But do your managers know how to support them? Use this Quick Start Guide to get the conversation started. Your workers don’t just want jobs; they want careers. Invest in your team by giving them meaningful feedback. 65% of employees want more feedback (Zippia). Workers who get daily feedback are 3x more engaged (Clear Company).

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Ageism in the Workplace is Real. Let’s Talk About It


Age can be a sensitive subject, no matter where (or if) it’s broached. At Justworks, we believe that the most vibrant workplaces are cultivated through inclusion of people across many generations. That’s why we've created DECADES, a new series to facilitate open and honest dialogue about ageism in the workplace. Our inaugural event takes place on July 25th, with the theme of investing.

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How To Write a Vision Statement


The driving force behind any strategic plan is the vision statement. This article is an attempt to guide you through the process of framing a vision statement with examples to help you with. A Few Things for Getting Started. This article is a mere guideline to help you frame your vision statement, as not every pointer may apply to every organisation alike.

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Career Experience Management: Developing the Potential of Your Human Workforce


Listen to our interview with Sophie Wade in the WorkHuman Radio episode embedded at the top of this post. Traditional, linear careers are over. Comprehensive career design overhaul is an opportunity to take a new approach to developing employees’ careers to: Adapt the fixed structure for new marketplace demands. Use the contributions of employees themselves.

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8 Habits of Highly Successful Employees


An employee’s success at a job can’t be predicted by his or her resume and experience. That piece of paper doesn’t tell you the full story. Sometimes, an individual’s soft skills or personal habits are a better indication of their aptitude and potential to succeed. If you can identify these common traits that successful employees share, you can find high-quality employees who will help your company thrive.

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Here Are the HR Trends to Watch in 2024 + Plus Advice for Driving Impact!

The pressure is on to create a positive onboarding experience. Plus, a sub-par onboarding process can domino into other concerns such as low performance, burnout (for you and new hires), and retention challenges. Our 2024 State of HR report will give you a realistic picture of the HR landscape and tips to onboarding effectively in the year to come.

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How To Create A Culture Of Successful People – It’s Magic


If every individual in an organization understood how to successfully exploit each opportunity they were given, the culture that would be created would produce sustainable success for the enterprise. Individual success would beget constant performance improvements for the organization and a guarantee of long term health. The problem is, however, most individuals don’t understand how to deal with a change in opportunity or position in the hierarchy.

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Mapping the Perfect Candidate Journey


Recruiting top talent becomes increasingly difficult thanks to evaporating borders and ever-increasing efforts by a given company’s competitors to score hiring coups. Customer journey mapping is a well-known process that grows increasingly more important for online marketing efforts in today’s digital marketplace. Recruiting job candidates, which has become more challenging in recent years, can also benefit by mapping the candidate experience.

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Learning and Training at the Speed of Business

ATD Human Capital

Business is all about speed and efficiency, and finding ways for workers to get things done as fast as possible without sacrificing quality. By removing barriers and inner bureaucracy, companies can eliminate downtime, making employees more effective without using incentives. Learning is one of the main aspects that businesses must focus on to enable and empower employees to be more effective and drive revenue growth.

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How to tactfully turn down a promotion to management


Transitioning from individual contributor to manager is a big career move. Focus shifts from concrete deliverables to people development, which requires an entirely new set of skills. In many people’s minds, becoming a manager is a necessary step to advance their careers, but as Ron Bell states, “Everyone should aspire to continuous improvement; being a manager isn’t the only way to do that — or the only way to lead a fulfilling career.”.

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How to Conquer These 4 Top-of-Mind HR Challenges

It’s a never-ending tightrope act, trying to find the balance between creating benefits offerings that adapt to the uniqueness of your people, managing your own time and resources, and maintaining the organization’s bottom line. And the ever-changing policies and laws can make cultivating a competitive employee benefits strategy feel impossible. Whether you’re concerned about adapting to new pay transparency laws, managing global benefits packages, return-to-office mandates, or 401(k) and retire

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5 Smart Best Practices to Engage Customers


If you want to swiftly boost the success of your business, you should create best practices for your employees to follow. When companies put best practices into place that ensure the customer is always the center focus, they soon see their businesses start to grow. People will continue to come back when you treat them well. Here are five smart best practices to put into place to engage customers and grow your business. 1.

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The Secret to Achieving Goals: Establish Daily Habits


We have all encountered that guilt and disappointment when we eventually give up on a goal after floundering with it for some time. It’s quite challenging in fact to sustain motivation, especially when trying to hit a longer term goal. Consider the popular News Year’s Resolution. Only 8% of those that make resolutions actually achieve their goal.

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The Power of the Present

ATD Human Capital

When I speak and write about mindfulness, the question I get most often is, “If I practice mindfulness, what does that get me?” I usually point to the growing body of research that demonstrates the results of mindfulness. I also tell people that when they are mindful, they are more present and aware, and this in turn supports the development of certain leadership skills and capabilities, such as attentive listening.

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The Evolution of L&D Tracking


We stand at a technological turning point when it comes to learning and development (L&D). Though L&D may not be the flashiest of topics compared to creating shiny new products, it has risen sharply in priority worldwide. According to the 2017 Deloitte Human Capital Trends Report , the issue of improving employee careers and transforming corporate learning was rated “important” by 83% of executives, and “urgent” by 45%.

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Improving Access To & Utilization Of Cancer Screening With Color

Discover how Color's comprehensive care solution is revolutionizing cancer screening adherence and knowledge. Through an in-depth case study, Color's unique approach to comprehensive cancer care has shown significant benefits in increasing screening rates and enhancing patient knowledge. Participants reported a 2-3x increase in adherence to screening guidelines over just 8 weeks, with 84% of participants increasing their familiarity with timing and frequency of cancer screening.

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8 Steps You Can Take In Hiring Your First Employee


As a business grows, there will come a point where everything can’t be done by just one person. Sooner or later, the help of another employee is necessary to further the company’s success. Hiring your first employee can be a vague and daunting task. This action should be dealt with extra caution as it can be costly to commit to another person’s salary and benefits.

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Culture: More Than Just an HR Thing


“Company culture shapes every minute of the workday and every decision that is made.”-Taylor Smith, CEO & Cofounder of Blueboard. What is culture? I consider it the collective mindset and attitude of your employees about what they do, which manifests itself in how they do things; in other words, their actions and behaviors. These behaviors manifest themselves in their interactions with your company, your customers, and other associates or staff.

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5 Ways Interview Scorecards Help Identify Talent

HR Partner

Nothing is worse than being wrong about a new hire and realizing that you hired the wrong person. It costs time, money, and brings down the whole team. Or maybe you made a great hire, only to realize that it was more difficult than you thought to repeat and find other A-players. But you know what’s also pretty frustrating? Not knowing what went wrong in the decision-making process leading up to the hire.